
Thermo Scientific™ 9mm Clear Glass Screw Thread Vials

Nearly eliminate septa push-through and improve sealing with vials built with the innovative Advanced Vial Closure System (AVCS).

X100 Vial National Scientific Target DP robotic

Pricing and Availability

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Glass 20mL Scintillation Vials: Polypropylene Caps

Maintain integrity of seal with variety of cap liners. Wheaton Science Products™ Glass 20mL Scintillation Vials: Polypropylene Caps are Chemically inert, suitable for strong solvents and high-purity chemicals. X500 20 mL LS Vial, 24-400 PP Cap, Fmd Pe Lnr

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 13mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps

13mm Screw Thread Caps feature a 13-425 thread finish. Available in an assortment of styles, pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination. X100 Cap National Scientific screw thread pre-asse

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Shell Vials

Shell vials are an economical choice for many routine HPLC applications. Available in many sizes, they are sold as kits with caps to assure proper fit and function. X1000 Shell vial kit National Scientific positiveMA: C4008-50

Pricing and Availability

Wheaton™ Liquid Scintillation Glass Vials

Maintain the integrity of seals with a variety of cap liners. Wheaton™ Liquid Scintillation Glass Vials are manufactured from borosilicate glass. X500 20 mL LS Vial, 22-400 PP Cap Sep, Fmd Pe

Pricing and Availability

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Center Disc Tear-Out Aluminum Seals, Unlined

Tear-out seals remove completely allowing content to pour from bottle. Wheaton™ Center Disc Tear-Our Aluminum Seals, Unlined are available in a wide range of sizes and colors.
X1000 Aluminium Seal Wheaton center disc tear outMittelloch-Abriss, ohne Sept. VE=1000

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Storage Vials & Closures

Store your samples in these vials to eliminate leaching of ions while maintaining a consistent pH for the life of your sample. Storage vials range from 2mL to 40mL. X100 Storage vial National Scientific borosilicate

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 9mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps

Prevent septa push through and over- and under-tightening. With AVCS built into these 9mm screw caps you will get an optimal, consistent seal every time. X100 AVCS 9MM BLK CAP WITH T/RR SEPTA

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 20mm Headspace Vials & Closures

Headspace vials are available in clear or amber glass with a round or flat base, a crimp seal with a beveled or square edge finish, or with a screw-thread finish. Headspace vials, septum, and caps can be purchased in various quantities separately or together as convenience kits to fit your laboratory needs. X100 20mm open seal with tef/sil, , MA: C4020-32A

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ National™ Headspace 20mm Crimp Seals with Septa

National Crimp Seals ensure sample security every time. X100 SEAL NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC OPEN SEAL PTFE/SILICone 20mm (pack of 100)

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Unassembled 4mL Screw Thread Vial Convenience Kits

Choose convenient, unassembled screw thread vial kits, featuring caps with pre-assembled septa. X100 Amber 4ml i-d vial kit 75mil t/s septa,MA: C4015-88AW

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 11mm Autosampler Snap-It Caps

11mm Wide Opening Snap-It Caps and Septa are easy to apply and easy to remove and fully compatible with all Snap-It vials. X100 RED SNAP-IT SEAL,T/S SLT SEPTA

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 10mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps

10mm Wide Opening Screw Caps and Septa feature a 10-425 thread finish and are available in an assortment of styles to match your application needs. X100 VIAL CAP NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC OPEN TOP, POLYPRopylene soft 10-425, 12mm x 32mm with pre-inserted

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Virtuoso™ 11mm Clear Wide Opening Crimp/Snap Top Vial with V-Patch

Label these clear snap cap or crimp seal vials using the Thermo Scientific™ Virtuoso™ Vial Identification System. VIRTUOSO VIAL,2ML CLEAR GLASS SNAP

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 8mm Autosampler Vial Screw Thread Caps

Available in an variety of styles to match your application. Pre-assembled caps and septa minimize contamination. X100 capblue 8-425 PINK flanged TEF/Wht sil SLIT

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ National Scientific septa for 4mL Screw-Thread Vials

Thermo Scientific™ National Vial Septa are designed for use with 4mL screw-thread vials. X100 PRE-SLIT PTFE/SILIC SEPTA 1

Pricing and Availability

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Glass Sample Vials with Snap Caps

Ideal for collecting, storing, and exhibiting sample in the lab or field, Wheaton™ Glass Sample Vials with Snap Caps contain caps which fit over a special sealing ring to provide effective barrier against moisture. X72 Bottle Wheaton sample with pre-attached snap

Pricing and Availability

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ HDPE Sampule™

Economical alternative to standard scintillation vials X2000 6 mL Sampule, HDPE, 18 mm PP Cap

Pricing and Availability

DWK Life Sciences Wheaton™ Glass Sample Vials in Lab File without Caps

Packaged in partitioned trays, without caps X200 30ML VIAL, 22-400, CLR, NO CAP,LAB FILE

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Reacti-Vial™ Small Glass Reaction Vials

Use Thermo Scientific™ Reacti-Vial™ Small Reaction Vials in the Reacti-Therm™ Heating and Stirring module.

X12 Reaction vial Thermo Scientific screw top

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 8mm Autosampler Vial Septa

Septa for 8-425 Screw Thread Caps are constructed of PTFE, PTFE/rubber, or PTFE/silicone to suit a variety of applications. X1000 SEPTUM CHROMACOL VIRGIN PTFE 8MM WHITE(pack of 1K)

Pricing and Availability

DWK Life Sciences Kimble™ Screw-Thread N-51A Borosilicate Glass Sample Vials: Without Caps

Low extractable Kimax N-51A glass VIAL,TYPE1,25X96MM,22-400,8DRBorosilikatglas N-51A,25x95mm VE=864 Stück

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 11mm Clear Glass Crimp Top Vials

Use these 11mm clear glass vials with snap caps or aluminum crimp seal closures. X500 VIAL CHROMACOL SNAP CAP MICRO+ FIXED INSERTborosilicate glass flat bottom with write-on

Pricing and Availability

Fisherbrand™ Class A Clear Glass Threaded Vials with Caps, PTFE-faced White 14B Rubber Liner

Fisherbrand™ Type 1 Class A Borosilicate Glass Clear Sample Vials with Fitted Caps feature fitted black phenolic caps with either polycone liner or PTFE faced white rubber liner. VIAL LOCK M TEFLONINSATS 2ML 12X38MM FP=288

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 11mm Plastic Crimp/Snap Top Autosampler Vials

Choose from these chemically inert polypropylene 11mm vials that are suitable for most chromatography applications. X100 VIAL PP 250UL 12X32MM SNAP IT

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ National Unassembled Target LoVial™ Wide-Opening Vial Kits

Keep all vials and compatible crimp seals handy and dust-free with Thermo Scientific™ National Unassembled Target LoVial Wide-Opening Vial Kits. X100 AMBER TARGET I-D KIT SEAL + SEPTA

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ National Screw Thread Caps with Bonded Septa

Effectively eliminate septa push-through with Thermo Scientific™ National Screw Thread Caps with Bonded Septa. X100 10-425 BLACK BONDED CAP W/SLITRED PTFE/WHITESILICONE, 100/Cs, MA: C4010-69A

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Assembled Caps and Septa for 8-425 Standard-Opening Vials

Thermo Scientific™ National Assembled Caps and Septa for 8-425 Standard-Opening Vials are available in a variety of colors and septum materials. X100 Kim-lok blk cap,w/tef/silicone septa 8-425,100/Cs, MA: C4013-61A

Pricing and Availability

Fisherbrand™ Clear Moulded Glass Vials, with Fitted Screw Caps

Suitable for the storage of pathology media. Fisherbrand™ Clear Moulded Glass Vials, with Fitted Screw Caps are manufactured from clear Type 1 neutral glass.
X288 Vial Bijou,type 1 clear neutral glass,fitted28mm aluminium rubber lined screw thread cap,14mL

Pricing and Availability

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