Molecular Biology Reagents and Kits

Thermo Scientific™ PCR Tubes and Plates

Efficiently perform applications with these PCR tubes and plates, molded from 100% virgin polypropylene. PCR-PLATTA 48-HÅLS SINGELFÖRP FP=25 (YP=4 F

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Thermo-Fast™ 96-Well Full-Skirted Plates

96-well full-skirted PCR automation compatible plate for use in PCR and qPCR applications. X25 THERMOFAST SK 96X0,2ML NEUTRA(VE=25Stck.)

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ ABsolute Blue qPCR SYBR Green Mixes

Optimize SYBR Green chemistry using standard cycling protocols with these colored qPCR master mixes. 1600 RXN ABSOLUTE BLUE QPCR SYBR GREEN FLUORESCEINmix, 1600 x 25µL reactions, supplied in 16 x

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0

Optimize biochemistry or molecular biology applications that require a chelator for divalent cations. 0.5 M EDTA, PH 8.0 5X1ML

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Armadillo™ 96-Well PCR Plate

Optimize robotic applications with these ultra-rigid 96-well PCR plates with U-bottom wells, available in various colors. X25 PLATE PCR 96 WH WELLS ORA COD

Pricing and Availability

Applied Biosystems™ MicroAmp™ EnduraPlate™ Optical 96-Well Clear Reaction Plates with Barcode

Ideal solution for work that requires special handling and an even greater degree of durability for use with multi-instrument experiments X20 96-WELL HARD SHELL PLATE CLEAR

Pricing and Availability

Applied Biosystems™ ProFlex™ 2 x 384-well PCR System

Flexible configuration and control ProFlex 2 x 384-well PCR System

Pricing and Availability

Fisherbrand™ 0.2mL Flat- and Domed-Cap PCR Tubes

With integral “snap shut” cap X1000 PCR tube 0.2ml, flat cap, PP, naturalFB-0620

Pricing and Availability

Applied Biosystems™ SYBR™ Fast Green Master Mix

Designed to obtain a fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution for real-time PCR applications without compromising sensitivity, specificity, dynamic range, or efficiency 500 RXN FAST SYBR, GREEN MASTER MIX 1-PACK (1 X5mL) 500reactions Store at -20 C

Pricing and Availability

Applied Biosystems™ Oligo d(T) 16 (50mM)

Used for priming and reverse transcription of polyadenylated (poly A+) mRNA OLIGO D(T)16 PRIMERApplied Biosystems® Oligo d(T)16 is a

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 96-Well Non-Skirted Plates

96-well non-skirted plates for use in PCR and qPCR applications. Available with black lettering for improved sample tracking during pipetting. X25 THERMOFAST 96X0,2ML BLACK(VE=25Stck.)

Pricing and Availability

Applied Biosystems™ VIC™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-Well

For VIC spectral calibration of ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio 7 Flex, or QuantStudio 12K Flex Systems with a 96-well block SPECTRAL CALIBRATION PLATE, 96 WELL WITH VIC(R)dye store at -20°C

Pricing and Availability

Invitrogen™ Platinum™ SYBR™ Green qPCR SuperMix-UDG

Provides a sensitive and convenient system for real-time PCR detection with SYBR Green I dye PLAT SYBR QPCR 500instrument), 500 reactions

Pricing and Availability

Invitrogen™ Ambion™ 5-(3-Aminoallyl)-dUTP (50mM)

When incorporated into DNA, 5-(3-aminoallyl)-dUTP provides a reactive group for addition of other chemical groups 50MM 5-(3-AMINOALLYL)-UTP 5ULAmbion® Modified nucleotides confer unique

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Molecular BioProducts™ PCR Tubes and Plates

Molded from 100% virgin polypropylene X1000 tube,pcr,.2ml w/dome cap,assor

Pricing and Availability

Applied Biosystems™ ROX™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, Fast 96-Well

For ROX spectral calibration of ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio 7 Flex, or QuantStudio 12K Flex Systems with a Fast 96-well block Fast 96-Well Spectral Calibration Plate

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Maxima™ SYBR™ Green 2X qPCR Master Mix with ROX™ Solution

Optimize qPCR with SYBR Green chemistry using standard cycling protocols with these ready-to-use qPCR master mixes X10 qPCR, Maxima(R) SYBR green qPCR master mix,

Pricing and Availability

Applied Biosystems™ ROX™ Dye Spectral Calibration Plate, 96-Well

For ROX spectral calibration of ViiA™ 7, QuantStudio™ 6 Flex, QuantStudio 7 Flex, or QuantStudio 12K Flex Systems with a 96-well block SPECTRAL CALIBRATION PLATE, 96 WELL WITH ROX(TM)dye store at -20°C

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Luminaris™ Color HiGreen qPCR Master Mixes

Optimize qPCR with SYBR Green using standard cycling protocols with these ready-to-use master mixes with premixed UDG, available with or without blue color. 250RXN Luminaris Color HiGreen Fluorescein qPCRMastermix

Pricing and Availability

Fisherbrand™ 96-Well Low-Profile, Skirted PCR Plates

Fit most thermal cyclers X25 PCR plate 96-wells, full skirt, PP, redFB-0800/R

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Armadillo™ 384-Well PCR Plates

Optimize high throughput robotic PCR and qPCR applications with these uItra-rigid 384-well PCR plates with poylcarbonate frames and polypropylene wells. X50 PLATE PCR 384 WH WELLS ORA

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 384-Well Full Skirted PCR Plates

Reduce well-to-well variability with 384-Well PCR Plate Full Skirted PCR Plates, thin walled for efficient heat transfer and compatible with most major thermal cyclers. X25 FULLY SKIRTED STANDARD 384, BARCODED, 25 ST.

Pricing and Availability

Water, DNA Grade, DNASE, Protease free, Fisher BioReagents

1LT Water, Sterile (DNA Grade, DNASE, Protease free) (For DNA Work)

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Maxima™ SYBR™ Green/ROX 2X qPCR Master Mix

Optimize qPCR with SYBR Green chemistry using standard cycling protocols with these ready-to-use qPCR master mixes X10 qPCR, Maxima(R) SYBR green/ROX qPCR master

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 384-Well Full-Skirted Plates, Standard

Fully-skirted 384-well standard plates compatible with a wide range of block thermal cyclers for use in PCR and qPCR applications X50 THERMOFAST384 ABI 3730 BLACK

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ ABgene™ SuperPlate 96-Well PCR Plates

96-well semi-skirted PCR plates with a flat deck for improved sealing in PCR and qPCR applications. Superplate Semi-skirted Flat Deck, barcoded

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Nuclease-free Water

Optimize molecular biology applications with this deionized and 0.22µm membrane-filtered nuclease-free water. X4 Molecular biology reagents, water, nuclease-fre

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 0.2 mL Strip Tubes

Optimize PCR and qPCR with these 0.2 mL strip tubes, available as 8 tubes per strip in several colors or 12 tubes per strip. X250 STRIP 8X0,2ML CAP DOMED BLUEStrips)

Pricing and Availability

Invitrogen™ Platinum™ SYBR™ GreenER™ qPCR SuperMix for ABI PRISM Instrument

!ncorporate high-performance technology for reliable gene expression data from ABI PRISM™ 7300, 7000, 7700 or 7900HT instruments SYBR GREENER QPCR FOR ABIinstrument, 2000 reactions

Pricing and Availability

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