Enzymes and Inhibitors

Thermo Scientific™ I-SceI

Cut at TAGGGATAA^CAGGGTAAT sites with I-SceI homing enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in Tango buffer. I-SCEI 10U/UL 250U

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 10X Reaction Buffer with MgCl2 for DNase I

Optimize reaction condions for RNase-free DNase I with this 10X reaction Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) buffer containing MgCl2. 10X DNASE I RNASE-FREE 1ML

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest SapI (LguI)

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes with this advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest LguI, 20µL

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ NheI: PROMO

Thermo Scientific FastDigest NheI restriction enzyme recognizes G^CTAGC site and cuts best at 37°C in 5 to 15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. Isoschizomers: AsuNHI, BmtI. FASTDIGEST NHEI 50UL

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Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ NotI

The FastDigest NotI restriction enzyme recognizes GC^GGCCGC sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: CciNI). 150RXN Thermo Scientific FastDigest NotI restriction enzyme recognizes GC¬GGCCGC site

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Thermo Scientific™ 10X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer

Safely ligate samples with this buffer, for use with T4 DNA Ligase and tested for the absence of endo- and exodeoxyribonucleases and ribonucleases. X10 T4 DNA LIGASE 1.5ML

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest KpnI

Perform single-, double- or multiple DNA digestion within 5-15 minutes withthis advanced line of restriction enzymes, 100% active in one universal buffer. FASTDIGEST KPNI 300UL

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Thermo Scientific™ BclI

Cut at T^GATCA sites with BclI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 55°C in G buffer (Isoschizomers: FbaI, Ksp22I). BCLI 10U/UL 3000U

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest BbsI (BpiI)

Cut at GAAGAC(2/6)^ sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ BbsI (BpiI), which performs best using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: BpuAI, BstV2I). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest BpiI, 20µL

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Bst1107I (BstZ17I)

Cut at GTA^TAC sites with Bst1107I (BstZ17I) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: BssNAI, BstZ17I). 500 UNIT RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, BST1107I (BstZ17I), 10u/uL, cuts GTA¬TAC at 37°C (supplie

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Thermo Scientific™ AarI

Cut at CACCTGC(4/8)^ sites with AarI restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in its own unique (+oligo) buffer. AARI 2U/UL 125U

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Thermo Scientific™ PvuII

The PvuII restriction enzyme recognizes CAG^CTG sites and cuts best at 37°C in G buffer. PVUII 10U/UL 2500U

Pricing and Availability

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 28 MluI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. Anza 28 MluI Kit (800 Units)

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ EcoRI

The FastDigest EcoRI restriction enzyme recognizes G^AATTC sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. X5 FASTDIGEST ECORI 500UL

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)

Stabilize enzymes, increase PCR yields, and prevent adhesion of enzymes with Thermo Scientific™ Bovine Serum Albumin. 250 UL BOVINE SERUM ALBUMIN (BSA), 20MG/ML, 5MG(0.25mL), supplied in 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH7.4 at

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ SpeI (BcuI)

FastDigest SpeI (BcuI) restriction enzyme recognizes A^CTAGT sites and cuts best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: AhlI). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest BcuI, 20µL

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest BsmBI (Esp3I)

Cut at CGTCTC(1/5)^ sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ BsmBI (Esp3I), which peforms best at 37°C in 5-15 minutes using universal FastDigest Buffer. Restriction enzyme, FastDigest Esp3I, 20µL

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Thermo Scientific™ SdaI (SbfI)

The SdaI (SbfI) restriction enzyme recognizes CCTGCA^GG sites and cuts best at 37°C in its own unique buffer (Isoschizomers: SbfI, Sse8387I). RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, SDAI (SBFI),10u/ul, cuts CCTGCA¬GG at 37°C(supplied with 1mL

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ ATP

Optimize many molecular biology applications using this ATP, a highly stable nucleotide with 99% purity. ATP 100MM 0.25ML

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ 50X TAE Buffer (Tris-acetate-EDTA)

Optimize electrophoresis of both genomic and large supercoiled DNA in agarose and polyacrylamide gels with Thermo Scientific™ 50X TAE Buffer (Tris-acetate-EDTA). 1 LT 50X TAE BUFFER (TRIS-ACETATE-EDTA), 1X CONCENtration includes 40 mM Tris, 20 mM acetic acid, 1

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ GTP

Optimize molecular biology applications with this GTP, a highly stable nucleotide with 99% purity. 250 UL NUCLEOTIDES, GTP,99% PURITY BY HPLC, 100MM0.25mL Store at -20°C

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ BspTI (AflII)

Cut at C^TTAAG sites with BspTI (AflII) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: AflII, BfrI, Bst98I, BstAFI, MspCI, Vha464I). BSPTI (AFLII) 10U/UL 1000U

Pricing and Availability

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 32 ApaI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. X4000 Anza 32 ApaI

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest BspMI (BveI)

Cut at ACCTGC(4/8)^ sites with Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ BspMI (BveI), which performs best using universal FastDigest Buffer (Isoschizomers: Acc36I, BfuAI). Restriction enzyme, FastDigest BveI, 50µL

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Thermo Scientific™ NdeI

The NdeI restriction enzyme recognizes CA^TATG sites and cuts best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: FauNDI). NDEI 10U/UL 500U

Pricing and Availability

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 11 EcoRI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. Anza 11 EcoRI (8000 units)

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Invitrogen™ Anza™ 78 AdeI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. 800UNIT ANZA 78 ADEI (DRAIII)

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ BveI (BspMI)

Cut at ACCTGC(4/8)^ sites with BveI (BspMI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in O (+oligo) buffer (Isoschizomers: Acc36I, BfuAI, BspMI). 250 UNIT RESTRICTION ENZYME, CONVENTIONAL, BVEI(BspMI), 5u/ul, cuts ACCTGC(4/8)¬ at 37°C (supplie

Pricing and Availability

Thermo Scientific™ Van91I (PflMI)

Cut at CCANNNN^NTGG sites with Van91I (PflMI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in R buffer (Isoschizomers: AccB7I, BasI, PflMI). VAN91I (PFLMI) 10U/UL 2000U

Pricing and Availability

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 12 XbaI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. Anza 12 XbaI (12,000 units)

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