Solid Phase Extraction Products
Macherey-Nagel™ CHROMABOND™ XTR Polypropylene SPE Columns
Designed for consistently high quality from batch to batch. Macherey-Nagel™ CHROMABOND™ XTR Polypropylene SPE Columns include Kieselguhr phase for liquid-liquid extractions. Columns feature a large pore size and high pore volume for use with highly viscous aqueous solutions. Volumes from 1–45mL. X50 CHROMABOND columns XTR volume: 3 mL: 500 mg Kieselgur for volumes up to 0.5 mL material: PP
Avantor™ BAKERBOND Speedisk™ Oil and Grease Extraction Disk
Maximize capacity, adsorption and SPE speed. Avantor BAKERBOND Speedisk Oil and Grease Extraction Disk are neither cartridge nor membrane that provides an excellent SPE tool for environmental samples and combines a thin bed of BAKERBOND sorbent with a special laminar configuration for testing drinking water, ground water, waste water, solid waste or process streams. X20 Bottle BAKERBOND SPEEDISK OIL&CREASE BAKERBOND SPE
Thermo Scientific™ SMART Digest™ Chymotrypsin Kits
Obtain fast, simple, and highly reproducible chymotrypsin protein digestion for peptide characterization and quantitation in biopharmaceutical research.
SMART Digest Kit Chymotrypsin, Bulk Resin with SOLAµ Plate/Collection plateThermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Retain AX Cartridges
Achieve superior recoveries for acidic analytes with Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Retain AX SPE Cartridges. X100 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep Retain-
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Glass Block Vacuum Manifolds
16- and 24-port vacuum manifolds speeds up sample processing; glass block design allows visible inspection of the extraction process and simplifies cleaning. 16 PORT VACUUM MANIFOLD
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Positive Pressure Manifold
Improve productivity of solid phase extraction (SPE) sample preparation. Use this manifold to simultaneously process up to 48 samples. PP MANIFOLD
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Dispersive SPE Clean-up Products (QuEChERS)
Save time and achieve more accurate pesticide determinations using these pre-prepared dispersive SPE products for QuEChERS clean-up.
X50 15mL Cenrufuge tube w/ 900MGMgSO4, 150MG PSAJT Baker™ SPE disc C18 1mL 35mg, 1mL Baker
J Young™ Manifold, dual bank vacuum, PTFE valves, five ports
Avantor™ BAKERBOND Speedisk™ H2O-Philic DVB Extraction Disk
Maximize capacity, adsorption and SPE speed. Avantor BAKERBOND Speedisk Extraction Disk H2O-Philic DVB are neither cartridge nor membrane that provides an excellent SPE tool for environmental samples and combines a thin bed of BAKERBOND sorbent with a special laminar configuration for testing drinking water, ground water, waste water, solid waste or process streams. X20 1 CV BAKERBOND SPEEDISK H2O-PHILIC BAKERBONDSPE
J.T. Baker BAKERBOND spe™ Silica Gel (SiOH) Disposable Extraction Columns, J.T.Baker™
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ SCX Cartridges
Obtain excellent performance for extraction of charged basic compounds with these strong cation exchanges SPE cartridges. X20 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep SCX lowStück
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Hypercarb™ SPE Cartridges
Unique graphite carbon-based SPE cartridges offer retention and separation of polar compounds where silica and resin stationary phases fail. X50 HyperSep PGC 25mg/1mL
Thermo Scientific™ SMART Digest™ Proteinase K Kits
Obtain fast, simple, highly reproducible, and sensitive immunocapture and protein digestion in a single well for your biomarker studies.
SMART Digest Kit Proteinase K /Collection plateThermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ C18 Cartridges
Get improved retention for most nonpolar compounds and organic analytes in aqueous matrices with these hydrophobic reversed phase C18 cartridges.
X20 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep C18Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Florisil Cartridges
Isolate polar compounds from nonpolar matrices with these Florisil SPE cartridges, which are especially well-suited for extraction of chlorinated pesticides.
X20 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep FlorisilThermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Glass Block Vacuum Manifold Adaptors Safety Tray
Use the safety tray as the bottom of the glass block vacuum manifold to contain spills. MANIFOLD SAFETY TRAY HYPERSEPreplacement
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ C8 Cartridges
Need a less retentive alternative to C18 for polar and nonpolar compounds? These hydrophobic reversed phase C8 cartridges offer excellent performance. X50 HYPERSEP C8 SPE COLUMN 200MG/
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Javelin Direct-Connect Online SPE Columns
Clean-up and concentrate target analytes in minutes with these direct-connection SPE guard columns, featuring fingertight design for convenience and efficiency. X4 Retain PEP Javelin 3.0mm ID x10mm
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Tip Microscale SPE Extraction Tips, 10-200µL
Get faster sample preparation with minimal sample loss with these revolutionary SPE micropipette tips. X96 HyperSep Tip, P-20 Type,Trypsin
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Dispersive SPE Mylar™ Pouches (QuEChERS)
For Use With: QuEChERS Method Type: QuEChERS Sample Prep X100 4g MgSO4, 2g NaCl +1.5g NaCit 2hyd
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ UniGuard Direct-Connect Online SPE Columns
Clean-up and concentrate target analytes in minutes with these direct-connection SPE cartridges, offering quick, easy connection via a reusable drop-in cartridge holder. X4 SPE cartridge Thermo Scientific HyperSep UNIGUA
Thermo Scientific™ SOLA™ SPE Plates
Innovative Thermo Scientific™ SOLA™ Solid Phase Extraction Plates deliver clean, highly reproducible sample extracts with lower elution volumes—for greater sensitivity, reliability and cost savings. SOLA WCX 10MG/2ML 96 WELL PLATE
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Aminopropyl Cartridges
Obtain excellent retention of drugs, metabolites and structural isomers with these aminopropyl SPE cartridges that allow both polar and anion exchange interactions.
X20 SPE column Thermo Scientific HyperSep aminoproThermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Tip Microscale SPE Extraction Tips, 1-10µL
Get faster sample preparation with minimal sample loss with these revolutionary SPE micropipette tips.
X96 SPE tip Thermo Scientific HyperSep(tm) tip 1Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ SLE Cartridges (pH 9)
A fast and effective sample preparation technique for removal of phospholipids from biological matricies. X30 HYPERSEP SLE 1G/6ML PH9
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ HPLC Columns for Online SPE
Clean-up and concentrate target analytes in minutes with these columns combining SPE chemistries with traditional HPLC column fittings and hardware. 2.1x20mm Retain-AX online-SPE
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Pressure Manifold Adapter Plates
Use the adapter plate that matches the size of solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridges used with the Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Positive Pressure Manifold. ADAPTOR PLATE 1ML
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Silica Cartridges
Retain analytes in nonpolar matrices, and separate compounds of very similar structure with these silica SPE cartridges. X10 HYPERSEP SILICA 20G/75ML
Thermo Scientific™ HyperSep™ Dispersive SPE Extraction Products (QuEChERS)
For Use With: QuEChERS Method Type: QuEChERS Sample Prep Volume (Metric): 50 mL X250 50ML TUBE W/MGSO4 NACL
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