Electrophoresis Equipment

Invitrogen™ Mini Gel Tank and Blot Module Set

Provides all of the necessary devices for protein separation and Western blotting using Novex™ gels, NuPAGE™ gels, and Bolt™ Bis-Tris Plus gels Mini Gel Tank and Blot Module Set

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBlot™ 2 PVDF Transfer Stacks

Consumable stacks with integrated PVDF transfer membranes for dry blotting of proteins X10 iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks, PVDF, mini

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Invitrogen™ Bolt™ Welcome Pack B (4-12%, 15-Well)

Provides all of the necessary Bolt gels, buffers and ladder needed PLUS a Mini Gel Tank Bolt Welcome Pack B (4-12 percent, 15-well)

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ Bolt™ Welcome Pack + iBlot™ 2 System

A complete protein separation-to-western blot solution by combining a Bolt Welcome Pack A with the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device and iBlot 2 Transfer Stack (nitrocellulose, regular size) in lieu of one box of Bolt gels Bolt Welcome Pack + iBlot 2 System

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBlot™ 2 Nitrocellulose Transfer Stacks

Used to transfer proteins with the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device X10 iBlot® 2 Transfer Stacks, nitrocelluloseregular size

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Hoefer™ Gasket for UBC of SE 250, SE 260 Mini Vertical Electrophoresis Unit

Gasket for SE 250, SE 260 Mini Vertical Electrophoresis Unit Foam gasket GE Healthcare 4.5mm O.D., 610mm long

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ XCell SureLock™ Replacement Parts

For the XCell SureLock Mini Blot Module GEL KNIFEApparatus, 1 each

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ Empty Gel Cassettes

For pouring gels X25 Cassette disposable sealed on three sides to

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Hoefer™ PS300-B and PS200-HC Power Supplies

Large handle for easy transport POWER SUPPLY 300V 500MA 90W

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBlot™ PVDF Transfer Stack

Used to transfer proteins with the iBlot Gel Transfer Device X3 TRANSFER STACK IBLOT(R) MINI (PVDF) PACK OF 3,

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Invitrogen™ Bolt™ Welcome Pack A (4-12%, 10-Well)

Provides all of the necessary Bolt gels, buffers and ladder needed PLUS a Mini Gel Tank Bolt Welcome Pack A (4-12 percent, 10-well)

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Hoefer™ Glass Plates for Vertical Electrophoresis Units

Glass plates for vertical electrophoresis units X2 Glass plate 18cm x 8cm plain (pack of 2)

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ XCell4 SureLock™ Midi-Cell

Easily set up in just three simple steps XCELL4 SURELOCK MIDI-CELL APPA

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell

Quickly and easily run up to two Novex 8 x 8cm minigels, leak-free without any clamps or grease Surelock Xcell 00

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Invitrogen™ SureCast™ Gel Handcast Bundle A - Hardware and Reagents

Pour your own polyacrylamide gels easily and confidently with a SureCast™ Gel Handcast Bundle A. The SureCast Handcast System can be used to create polyacrylamide gels using SureCast Handcast Reagents as well as any other popular polyacrylamide gel casting reagents. SureCast Gel Handcast BundleA Hardware and Rea

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBind™ Cards

For use with the iBind Western Device X10 iBind(TM) Cards

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ Gel Loading Tips

For easy and accurate loading of samples LOADING TIP FLAT SEQGEL 00

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GE Healthcare EPS 301 Electrophoresis Power Supply

Cover the wide range of electrophoresis and blotting applications. Designed for performance, EPS Power Supplies can be relied on for security and reproducibility POWER SUPPLY GE HEALTHCARE EPS 301 120-240V 50-60Hz 5 to 300V, 80W max

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Hoefer™ Combs for SE 250, SE 260, or miniVE Vertical Electrophoresis Units

Made from plastics that are highly resistant to acids, bases, and all commonly used buffer systems KAM 5 BRUNNAR 1,5MM STANDARD TILL SE250/260

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Hoefer™ SE640 Wide-Mini Vertical Electrophoresis Unit

Wide-mini system, ideal for rapid screening of multiple samples ELEKTROFORES VERTIKAL MINIBRED SE640 KOMPLETT

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UVP Ultra Violet Product™ UVP Ultra Violet Product Chromadoc-IT Imaging System

UVP GEL DOCUMENTATION CHROMADOC-IT SYSTEM WITHDigiDoc-it digital camera withzoom lens, UV filter

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UVP Ultra Violet Product™ UV Viewing Cabinets

Use these viewing cabinets for a variety of applications such as non-destructive testing, document verification and thin layer chromatography. UVP™ UV Viewing Cabinets feature a removable bottom panel so the cabinet may be placed over large samples or a transilluminator. ULTRAVIOLET VIEWING CABINET MODEL C70G,LONG/SHORTWAVE, 220-240V 50HZ

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ Buffer Core Repair Kit for XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell

For the XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell Blot Module BUFFER CORE REPAIR KIT, XCELLReplacement Parts for Electrophoresis Apparatus

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Fisherbrand™ Owl™ P2-CST Multiple Gradient Gel Caster

Cast one to five gels simultaneously with the Fisherbrand� Owl� P2-CST Multiple Gradient Gel Caster, one of the simplest devices to cast gradient gels. NOTCHED GLASS PLATE 20X20CM X3/16'

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Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBind™ Solution Kit

For use with the iBind Western Device iBind(TM)  Solutions Kit

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Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ EC300XL2 Compact Power Supply

Retain settings after shut-down with the power-off memory on the Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ EC300XL2 Compact Power Supply, ideal for DNA/RNA and Protein electrophoresis. COMPACT MODEL MAX OUTPUT:300V,75W, 3 OUTPUTS JACKS

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Fisherbrand™ Spacers for FB-GC10-1 Vertical Gel Caster

Spacers for use with FB-GC10-1 Vertical Gel Caster. X2 SPACER 1,5MMX10CM P8D

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iBind™ Western Device

An automated Western-processing device that performs every step from blocking to washes to antibody incubations via sequential lateral flow iBind Western Device

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