Bochem™ Pinze in acciaio inox 18/10
Type 2. Bochem™ 18/10 Stainless Steel Forceps, Sharp Tip contain a bent round tip. PINZETTA ACCIAIO 18/8 115MM CURVACURVA
Cole-Parmer™ Pinzette in poliammide
Use these general purpose tweezers for a more precise grip. Cole-Parmer™ Polyamide Tweezers are serrated with rounded tips. TWEEZERS 180MM LENGTH
Bochem™ Pinze con punta curva in acciaio inox
In acciaio inox SS FORCEPS SHARP/BENT 200MM
Bochem™ PTFE Bent Tip Forceps
Schneider Gerd™ Pinze e pinzette Gerd Schneider™
Use these forceps for a variety of applications. Schneider Gerd™ Forceps are made of stainless steel with blunt tips. STUMPFE PINZETTE EINF.AUSF. GERADE 115 MM
Sampling Systems™ Stainless Steel Tweezers
Essential equipment for laboratories. Sampling Systems™ Stainless Steel Tweezers are made from hygienic 304 stainless steel. Stainless Tweezers 300mm
Cole-Parmer™ Pinzette
Disposable nylon forceps with serrated, round tips. Cole-Parmer™ Forceps, Reinforced Nylon feature corrugated handles and serrated blades and rounded tips for handling fragile samples. X100 FORCEPS DISPOSABLE
Merck™ Pinzette per filtro
Gestione dei filtri a membrana senza danni X3 Forceps, blunt end, stainless steel 3pk
Pinzette sterilizzabili in autoclave in POM
Polyoxymethylene (POM) construction. Azlon™ POM Autoclavable Tweezers are suitable for multiple applications. TWEEZERS 250MM R/ENDS YL TPX
VITLAB™ Pinzette con punta tagliata in POM
Per afferrare e mantenere piccoli oggetti con facilità e in sicurezza. Le pinzette VITLAB™ con punte smussate in POM sono caratterizzate da una punta arrotondata e da un corpo scanalato per una presa ottimale. Realizzate in poliossimetilene, offrono elevata elasticità, durata e resistenza chimica. Sono disponibili in confezioni da cinque, di due dimensioni diverse. X5 PINZETTA POM GIALLO 250 MM
Semadeni™ Pinzette in polipropilene
Provides for precise, fine manipulation in the laboratory. Semadeni™ Polypropylene Tweezers offer good chemical resistance. X100 PINZA PP BIANCA 125 MM
Cole-Parmer™ Stainless Steel Forcep
Recommended for micro electronics and precision assembly FORCEPS SS PLASTIC-COATED
Thermo Scientific™ Pinzette tipo forbici in polipropilene Nalgene™
Avoid corrosion from acid exposure with Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Polypropylene Scissor-Type Forceps, which are chemically compatible with most lab reagents. X12 PINZA PP PER CRYOTUBE
Brand™ PMP Forceps
X10 Pinzette,PMP (TPX), spitze Enden, L=145mm, dampfsterilisierbest. 121°C
BrandTech™ VITLAB™ Forceps
With pointed or rounded ends X5 Forcep POM yellow blunt with optimal springiness length 180mm
Bochem™ Pinze autobloccanti con punta curva in acciaio inox
Manufactured from stainless steel. BOCHEM™ Stainless Steel Bent Tip Self tensing Forceps are useful for a wide variety of uses. X10 PINZA BRUCELLE AUTOSERRANTE
Bochem™ Pinze appuntite in acciaio inox
In acciaio inox. Le pinzette appuntite Bochem™ in acciaio inox sono utilizzate in numerose applicazioni di laboratorio. SS FORCEPS SHARP/GUIDE 145MM
Bochem™ Pinze con punta smussata in PTFE
In acciaio inox con rivestimento in PTFE. Le pinze con punta smussata in PTFE BOCHEM™ sono utilizzabili per varie attività di laboratorio. PINZA SPATOLA INOX/PTFE 105 MM
Bochem™ Pinze di precisione
In acciaio inox 18/10 X10 PINZA 12MM AUTOSERRANTE
Bochem™ 18/10 Stainless Steel Forceps, Sharp Tip
Assists with surgical procedures. Bochem™ 18/10 Stainless Steel Forceps, Sharp Tip are a very useful tool. SS FORCEPS SHARP/BENT 115MM
Bochem™ Pinze in acciaio inox 18/10
Manufactured from 18/10 stainless steel. Bochem™ 18/10 Stainless Steel Forceps serve a wide variety of functions in the lab. PINZETTA DRITTA PUNTA TONDA INOX 18/8 L 105MM
Kartell™ Self-Sprung Yellow Forceps
Use these forceps for a variety of laboratory applications. Kartell™ Self-Sprung Yellow Forceps are constructed of POM for excellent stability. X5 POM forcep 250mm yellow
Semadeni™ Pinzette in polistirene
Pinzette per uso generico adatte a numerose applicazioni di laboratorio. Le pinzette in polistirene Semadeni™ sono dotate di impugnatura corrugata e di punte arrotondate zigrinate. X100 PINZA SAN BLU CHIARO 125 MM
Vitlab™ Pinze in poliossimetilene
In POM per garantire un'eccellente stabilità dimensionale. Le pinzette in poliossimetilene VITLab™ sono dotate di scanalature sul lato esterno per garantire un'ottima maneggevolezza e presa. X5 PINZETTA POM. GIALLO 145 MM
Semadeni™ Polypropylene Tweezer
Bochem™ Pinze per tessuto in acciaio inox
Manufactured from stainless steel. BOCHEM™ Stainless Steel Tissue Forceps serve a variety of laboratry uses. SS TWEEZER 160MM W/TEENS
Bochem™ Pinze in acciaio inox
Enabling precision movement via self-tensing properties, these forceps have a sharp tip and a bent style. X10 PINZA 160MM AUTOSERR. CURVATA
Bochem™ Sharp Tip Forceps with Guide Pin
With a guide pin to help keep the tips aligned. PINZA BRUCELLE INOX/PTFE 145 MM
Zwiebel™ Pinzette in acciaio inox
Use to handle E/F weights classes from 1g to 200g PINZA PRESA 22CM
Sampling Systems™ SteriWare™ Disposable Tweezers
Pick up both small and large items with a special dual action design. Sampling Systems™ SteriWare™ Disposable Tweezers are ideal for picking up items up to 25mm wide. X100 SteriWare Tweezer