Cell Culture Media

MP Biomedicals™ Medium 199 (modified) with Hanks' Salts with Glutamine without Sodium Bicarbonate

Medium 199 (modified) with Hanks' Salts with Glutamine without Sodium Bicarbonate MEDIUM 199 1X10 LITER

Gibco™ MEM, No Glutamine, No Phenol Red, Liquid

Minimum Essential Medium is commonly used of all cell culture media 500 ML MEM NO GLUTAMINE NO PHENOL RED

Corning™ Poloxamer 188, 10% Solution

Acts as surfactant used in cell culture to protect cells in suspension against possible damage during transfer, freezing and thawing, and stirring. X6 100 mL Poloxamer 188

Gibco™ MEM, NEAA, No Glutamine

Minimum Essential Medium is commonly used of all cell culture media MEM, 500ML, MA: 10370021

Gibco™ MEM

Minimum Essential Medium is one of the most commonly used of all cell culture media X 1 MEM MEM (MINIMUM ESSENTIAL MEDIUM) 500ML

Gibco™ MEM, Suspension, No Calcium, No Glutamine

Minimum Essential Medium is one of the most commonly used of all cell culture media 500ML MEM Suspension No Calcium No Glutamine

Corning™ cellgro™ RPMI 1640

10 L RPMI 1640 w L-glut

Gibco™ RPMI 1640 Medium, GlutaMAX™ Liquid Supplement, HEPES

Originally developed to culture human leukemic cells in suspension and as a monolayer 500 ML RPMI MEDIUM 1640 (1X), LIQUID 500ML STOREin at 4°C in dark Shelf life 365 days

Gibco™ RPMI 1640 Medium, GlutaMAX™ Liquid Supplement, HEPES

Originally developed to culture human leukemic cells in suspension and as a monolayer 5 LT RPMI, GLUTAMAX(TM), HEPES 5L

Gibco™ FluoroBrite™ DMEM

Designed to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio of fluorophores. Gibco™ FluoroBrite™ DMEM is used in enhancement of fluorescence signal during live-cell imaging and preserves cell health. FluoroBrite DMEM, 500mL

MP Biomedicals™ Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (Modified), with Earle's Salts and L-Glutamine, without Sodium

Minimum Essential Medium Eagle (Modified), with Earle's Salts and L-Glutamine, without Sodium, Powder MINIMUM ESSENTIAL MEDIUM EAGLE 1X50 LITER

Merck™ Chemicon™ Embryonic Stem Cell Marker Sample Kit

Contains monoclonal antibodies for the detection of the cell-surface Stage-Specific Embryonic Antigens (SSEA-1, SSEA-3 & SSEA-4), expression of TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81 antigens and Oct-4. MilliporeSigma™; Chemicon™ Embryonic Stem Cell Marker Sample Kit includes six monoclonal antibodies for the analysis of ES cell marker expression. 1SET ES CELL MARKER SAMPLE KIT

MP Biomedicals™ CIRCLEGROW™, Powder

Superior plasmid yield through enhanced cell growth 2.3KG CIRCLEGROW® (POWDER)(5.0lb)

Merck™ Chemicon™ Embryonic Stem Cell Characterization Kit

Used in Immunocytochemistry applications. MilliporeSigma™; Chemicon™ Embryonic Stem Cell Characterization Kit is a specific and sensitive tool for phenotypic assessment of the differentiation status of ES cells by measuring AP activity, cell-surface stage-specific antigens (SSEA-1, SSEA-4), expression of TRA-1-60, TRA-1-81 antigens. ES Cell Characterization Kit

Gibco™ Opti-MEM™ I Reduced Serum Medium

An improved Minimal Essential Medium that allows for a reduction of Fetal Bovine Serum supplementation by at least 50% with no change in growth rate or morphology 100 ML OPTIMEM(R) I REDUCED SERUM MEDIUM (1X),liquid with L-Glutamine, 2400mg/L sodium bicarbona

MP Biomedicals™ LSM™ Lymphocyte Separation Medium

LSM™ Lymphocyte Separation Medium is a high performance density gradient medium for monocyte separation. 500ML LYMPHOCYTE SEPARATION MEDIUM - LSM

HyClone™ DMEM/F12 1:1 Media

Used for culturing many different mammalian cells including MDCK, Glial cells, fibroblasts, and endothelial cells. HyClone™ DMEM/F12 1:1 Media supports cell culture growth and biomanufacturing processes and is manufactured using ISO 9001:2000-certified processes. DMEM/F12 1:1 +GLUT 6X500ML6x500 mL

Gibco™ Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mix, GlutaMAX™ Supplement

Designed for serum-free single-cell plating of Chinese hamster ovary cells Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mix, GlutaMax Supplement 500ml

Merck™ Chemicon™ ESGRO Complete PLUS Clonal Grade Medium

Provided with selective GSK3β inhibitor to enhance viability of mouse embryonic stem cells and increased maintenance of pluripotency in the absence of serum and feeder cells. MilliporeSigma™; Chemicon™ ESGRO Complete PLUS Clonal Grade Medium is a defined serum-free medium intended for mouse ES cell expansion and growth at clonal density in serum-free conditions. 500ML ESGRO Complete Plus Serum-Free Clonal Grade Medium Kit

Corning™ Dulbecco Medium

10LT DMEM w 4.5 g/L glucL-glut NaPy w/oNaBic Pwd

HyClone™ Minimum Essential Medium

Support cell culture growth and biomanufacturing processes with HyClone™ Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) with Earle's Balanced Salts (MEM/EBSS), manufactured based on compliance with ISO 9001:2000 guidelines and current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) for Medical Devices. 1 LT MEM/ALPHA WITH NUC MEDIUM 1L

Gibco™ Advanced MEM, HEPES

Advanced Minimum Essential medium is widely used basal medium that allows culture of mammalian cells with reduced Fetal Bovine Serum supplementation ADVANCED MEM

MP Biomedicals™ Murashige and Skoog Media

All plant cell culture media are manufactured from high quality chemicals and reagents MURASHIGE AND SKOOG MEDIUM1X50 LITER

Corning™ Cell Culture Media - Dulbecco's Modification of Eagle's Medium (DMEM)

Substitution of Pyridoxine HCl for Pyridoxal ensures improved stability over the original formulation. Corning™ Cell Culture Media - Dulbecco's Modification of Eagle's Medium (DMEM) is hybridoma tested. X6 500 DMEM w 1g/L gluc L-glut and NaPy

MP Biomedicals™ Dulbecco's MEM, 1X Liq., w/o L-Glut., L-Leucine

Ideally suited for supporting and maintaining a vast range of mammalian cell types. DULBECCO'S MODIFICATION OFEAGLE'S MEDIUM 100 ML

Gibco™ RPMI 1640 Medium, No Glutamine

Originally developed to culture human leukemic cells in suspension and as a monolayer 1 LT RPMI 1640 MEDIUM, LIQUID IN PLASTIC CONTAINER, E-Z Hold(tm) Store at 2-8C

Gibco™ MEM, GlutaMAX™ Supplement

Minimum Essential Medium is one of the most commonly used of all cell culture media MEM, 500ML, MA: 41090036

Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, Pyruvate

Used as basal medium for supporting the growth of many different mammalian cells. Gibco™ DMEM, High Glucose, Pyruvate is used in cell culture processing applications. DMEM, high glucose, pyruvate, 10 X 500ml

Corning™ cellgro™ DMEM/Ham's F-12 Mix

Products undergo a variety of tests to determine functionality and toxicity using growth-promotion analysis. Corning™ cellgro™ DMEM/Ham's F-12 Mix support cell culture growth and subsititution of Pyridoxine HCl for Pyridoxal ensures improved stability over original formulation. X6 1 L DMEM/F12 w/o L-glut

Gibco™ Essential 8™ Medium

Essential 8™ Medium 500ML ESSENTIAL 8 MEDIUM
