Antibody Production and Purification
Molecular Probes™ Antibody Conjugate Purification Kit, 0.5-1 mg conjugate
Antibody Conjugate Purification Kit, 0.5-1 mg conjugate AB CONJ PURIFY KIT (0.5-1MG)
Molecular Probes™ Antibody Conjugate Purification Kit, 20-50μg conjugate
Antibody Conjugate Purification Kit, 20-50 µg conjugate AB CONJ PURIFY KIT (20-50UG)
Molecular Probes™ Antibody Conjugate Purification Kit, 50-100μg conjugate
Antibody Conjugate Purification Kit, 50-100 µg conjugate 50-100 ug Antibody Conjugate Purification Kit
GE Healthcare HiScreen™ MabSelect™, Xtra™, SuRe™, SuRe LX™ Prepacked Columns
Designed for method optimization and parameter screening for capture of monoclonal antibodies. GE Healthcare HiScreen™ MabSelect™, Xtra™, SuRe™, SuRe LX™ Prepacked Columns come ready-to-use for convenience. HISCREEN MABSELECT
IBA Lifesciences™ StrepMAB™ -Classic
100 UG STREPMAB-CLASSIC, STREP-TAG II SPECIFICmonoclonal antibody, mouse/IgG1, purified 100µg
IBA Lifesciences™ StrepMAB™ -Immuno
100 UG STREPMAB-IMMO, MURINE HIGH AFFINITY STREP-Tag II specificmonoclonal IgG1, purified 100µg
Millipore™ Protein G Media Affinity Chromatography
Media Affinity chromatography 100mL ProSep-G
GE Healthcare Blotting Paper Disks
X100 Blotting paper GE Healthcare disks (80603098)