Histology, Cytology and Anatomical Pathology

Azpack™ Carbon Steel Razor Blades

Packaged in drawer box merchandiser. Azpack™ Carbon Steel Razor Blades are individually wrapped in paper cardstock for safety. X100 RAZOR BLADES SINGLE EDGED

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Instant Hematoxylin, makes 1L x 6

Substitute Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Instant Hematoxylin for Harris or Gill when no mucoid staining is required.  X6 Shandon Instant Haematoxylin, each pack makes

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Sequenza™ Immunostaining Center Accessories

Replacement parts, for use with the Shandon™ Sequenza™ Immunostaining Center. SLIDE RACK HOLDS 10 THERMOScientific coverplate assemblies accessory for

Integra™ Miltex™ Standard Biopsy Punches

Stainless-steel razor sharp cutting edge X50 BIOPY PUNCH 1,5 MM

Thermo Scientific™ MB35 Premier Disposable Microtome Blade, 34° cutting angle

Use the Thermo Scientific™ MB35 Premier Disposable Microtome Blade for routine sectioning applications. X50 Microtome blade Thermo Scientific Shandon

Gibco™ PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) 10X, pH 7.4

Balanced salt solution used for variety of cell culture applications, such as washing cells before dissociation, transporting cells or tissue, diluting cells for counting, and preparing reagents PBS- PH 7.4-(10X) 500ML

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ ProLong™ Gold Antifade Mountant

Liquid mountant applied directly to fluorescently labeled cell or tissue samples on microscope slides X5 Prolong gold antifade reagent 2mL Store at -20CProLong® Gold antifade reagent is an improved

Swann-Morton™ Stainless Steel Surgical Scalpels

Use for convenience in user environments: on the ward, in emergency or trauma units or even out in the field with paramedics. Swann Morton™ Stainless Steel Surgical Scalpels come in single peel packs. X10 SCALPEL STERILE DISPOSABLE PLASTIC HANDLE,STAI

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ HistoGel™ Specimen Processing Gel

Encapsulate and retain even small, friable and viscous specimens during histological processing with Richard-Allan Scientific™ HistoGel™ Specimen Processing Gel. X144 HISTOGEL SPECIMEN PROCESSING GEL, SUPPLIEDin vial 10mL

Thermo Scientific™ HP35 Disposable Microtome Blades

Use Thermo Scientific™ HP35 Disposable Microtome Blades for routine applications with a high proportion of harder tissue. X50 Microtome blade Shandon HP35 high profile,

Thermo Scientific™ Excelsior™ ES Tissue Processor

Economical, walk-away xylene-free tissue processing with superior tissue quality TISSUE PROCESSOR EXCELSIor ES autumatic in-process reagent rotation easy-t

Thermo Scientific™ Diamond Point Marker

Write indelibly on glass with diamond point marker. Diamond Point Marker

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Harris Hematoxylin

Take advantage of acidified or non-acidified formulations with the Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Harris Hematoxylin. This product does not employ a mercury-based oxidizing agent, thus removing a possible source of environmental contamination. 4 LT HARRIS NON-ACIDIFIED HAEMATOXYLIN CE-IVD 4L

Thermo Scientific™ MX35 Premier Disposable Low-Profile Microtome Blades

Section hard tissues and high-quality thin sections with high-performance Thermo Scientific™ MX35 Premier Disposable Low-Profile Microtome Blades. X50 Microtome blade Thermo Scientific Shandon

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ TBD-1™ Decalcifier

Process bone marrow biopsies in as little as 15 to 30 minutes with this rapid hydrochloric acid decalcifier. X2 Shandon TBD 1 Decalcifier 2x1 Ltr No. 6764001

Thermo Scientific™ Coplin Staining Jar

Hold 10 slides back-to-back with the Thermo Scientific™ Plastic Coplin Staining Jar. Coplin staining jar

Thermo Scientific™ RA Lamb Glass Coplin Jar, holds 5 slides (10 back to back)

Hold up to 10 slides back-to-back with Thermo Scientific™ RA Lamb molded glass coplin jars. Jars have a drop-on lid and integral large diameter base. JAR RAYMOND LAMB GLASS COPLINwith drop onlid and grooves diameter base moulded

Fisher Chemical™ Permount™ Mounting Medium

For both mounting and long-term storage of slides 500ML Permount Mounting Medium

Gibco™ (Phosphate Buffered Saline) Solution, pH 7.4

Balanced salt solution used for a variety of cell culture applications, such as washing cells before dissociation, transporting cells or tissue, diluting cells for counting, and preparing reagents 500ml, PBS, pH 7.4

Chrome Azurol S, ACROS Organics™

CAS: 1667-99-8 Molecular Formula: C23H13Cl2Na3O9S Molecular Weight (g/mol): 605.277 MDL Number: MFCD00001615 InChI Key: FUIZKNBTOOKONL-UHFFFAOYSA-K Synonym: C.I. 43825, Mordant Blue 29 PubChem CID: 54736314 IUPAC Name: trisodium;5-[(3-carboxy-5-methyl-4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-ylidene)-(2,6-dichloro-3-sulfonatophenyl)methyl]-3-methyl-2-oxidobenzoate SMILES: CC1=CC(=CC(=C1[O-])C(=O)[O-])C(=C2C=C(C(=O)C(=C2)C(=O)O)C)C3=C(C=CC(=C3Cl)S(=O)(=O)[O-])Cl.[Na+].[Na+].[Na+] 25GR Chrome Azurol S

Euromex™ Astra Blue


Greiner Bio-One™ Microscopic Cover slip for Terasaki Plates

For use with Terasaki plates. Greiner Bio-One Microscopic Cover slip is manufactured from crystal clear polystyrene. X5000 Plate lid, PS, 76x51mm

Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Cytospin™ Collection Fluid

Store specimens or unstained slides for weeks without adverse effect with Thermo Scientific™ Shandon™ Cytospin™ Collection Fluid. X125 120ML Cytospin collect fluid

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Neg-50™ Frozen Section Medium

Yield high-quality sections down to -50°C without chatter using Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Neg-50™ Frozen Section Medium. X2 Neg-50 frozen section medium, water-soluble

Nitro Blue Tetrazolium, Fisher BioReagents

1GR Nitro blue tetrazolium

Fisherbrand™ Disposable Slide Staining Tray

Stain, rinse and dry slides on one working tray. Fisherbrand™ Disposable Slide Staining Tray holds eight slides with deep wells. Rugged, economical trays provide a clean, fresh working service every time. Includes a dark lid, pour spouts and recessed handles for superior handling. X4 DISPOSABLE STAINING SLIDE TRAY

Thermo Scientific™ Richard-Allan Scientific™ Signature Series Hematoxylin 7211

Yield results that exceed those of Gill or Harris Hematoxylins with this uniquely formulated product. STAIN HEMATOXYLIN 7211 4X1PT

Gibco™ Dulbeccos Phosphate-Buffered Saline (DPBS) with calcium, magnesium

DPBS is a balanced salt solution used for a variety of cell culture applications, such as washing cells before dissociation, transporting cells or tissue samples, diluting cells for counting, and preparing reagents. Dulbecco's Phosphate-Buffered Saline (DPBS)

Glutaraldehyde Solution (50%/Certified/BioReagent), Fisher BioReagents

1LT Glutaraldehyde 50% solution, (Certified/BioReagent), 49.0 to 52.0 %
