Flow Cytometry

Thermo Scientific™ 3000 Series Nanosphere™ Size Standards

Conveniently check the sizes of bacteria, viruses, ribosomes and sub-cellular components with these size standards. Nanospheres Polymer Microspheres, monosizedpolystyrene microspheres, NIST traceable, 90 nm,

Invitrogen™ Total Exosome Isolation Reagent (from cell culture media)

Easily isolate exosomes and avoid time-consuming ultra-centrifugation Total Exosome Isolation (from Cell Culture Media),50 ml

Thermo Scientific™ Duke Standards™ 2000 Series Uniform Polymer Particles

Analyze wide size range materials through laser diffraction or other methods with uniform polymer particles that mimic real world particles. PSDVB NIST 25UM 1% 15MLNIST Standard 2 - Duke Standards Uniform

Thermo Scientific™ Opti-Link™ Carboxylate-Modified Particles

Control sensitivity, specificity and stability with various acid content available within Thermo Scientific™ Opti-Link™ Carboxylate-Modified Particles. OptiLink carboxylate particles,0.3µm, 10%, 100ML, pasteurized,Mediµm acid. Used in slide

Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.5μm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 2% solids

FluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.5 µm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 2% solids FLUOSPHERES(R) CARBOXYLATmicrospheres, 0.5 µm, yellow-green

Thermo Scientific™ ChromoSphere™-T Certified Size Standards

Achieve high visual contrast with Thermo Scientific™ ChromoSphere™-T Certified Size Standards, colored polymer microspheres with NIST™-traceable diameters. BLACK PSDVB NIST 400UM 1GNIST Standard Chromo Dry Dyed - Black Dyed

Alfa Aesar™ Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles, 5-10% (w/v) aqueous colloidal dispersion

20-50nm particles 25ML Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles, 5-10% (w/v) aqueous colloidal dispersion, 20-50nm particles 25ml

Thermo Scientific™ 8000 Series Silica Particle Size Standards

Provide greater durability and chemical stability when using solvents with these monodisperse silica microspheres used in instrument calibration and as spacers. Std 8 SIL NIST 1.0UM 2% 15mL

Thermo Scientific™ 5000 Series 0.31μm to 0.93μm Polymer Particle Suspensions

Meet the need for particulate materials with a variety of particle sizes and properties with Thermo Scientific™ 5000 Series Polymer Particle Suspensions 15ML POLYSTYRENE LATEX 0.74µm

Molecular Probes™ Vybrant™ FAM Poly Caspases Assay Kit, for flow cytometry

Vybrant™ FAM Poly Caspases Assay Kit, for flow cytometry 6 ML VYBRANT FAM POLY CASPASES ASSAY KIT - FORcytometry 25 assays

Thermo Scientific™ Dri-Cal™ Particle Size Standards

Use Thermo Scientific™ Dri-Cal™ Particle Size Standards for calibrating particle sizing and counting instruments that require dry particles. PSDVB NIST 5UM 1GNIST Standard Dry - Uniform Polymer Microspheres,

Attune™ NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer, blue/red/violet/yellow

Attune™ NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer, blue/red/violet/yellow Attune NxT Acoustic Focusing Cytometer, blue/red/violet/yellow

Thermo Scientific™ 4000 Series Monosized Particles

Minimize response of analytic systems to shape effects with monosized particles. Duke Standrad 4000 Series Monosized 60 µm1 x15 ml

Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ Biotin-Labeled Microspheres, 0.2μm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 1% solids

FluoSpheres™ Biotin-Labeled Microspheres, 0.2 µm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 1% solids FLUOSPHERES(R) BIOTIN-LABThe biotin conjugated yellow-green fluorescent

Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ Biotin-Labeled Microspheres, 1.0μm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 1% solids

FluoSpheres™ Biotin-Labeled Microspheres, 1.0 µm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 1% solids FLUOSPHERES(R) BIOTIN-LABThe biotin conjugated yellow-green fluorescent

Thermo Scientific™ 7000 Series Copolymer Microsphere Suspensions

Meet the need for particulate materials with a variety of particle sizes and properties with Thermo Scientific™ 7000 Series Copolymer Microsphere Suspensions. PSDVB 140UM 10% 100MLCo-Polymer - Polymer Microsphere Suspensions

Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.04μm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 5% solids, azide free

FluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 0.04 µm, yellow-green fluorescent (505/515), 5% solids, azide free FLUOSPHERES(R) CARBOXYLATmicrospheres, 0.04 µm, yellow-green

Thermo Scientific™ Cyto-Plex™ Carboxylated Particles

Save time when measuring analytes with Thermo Scientific™ Cyto-Plex™ Carboxylated Particles, open platform particles for suspension array analysis. FLRDPS 4UM L12 1.4E8 1MLCyto-Plex CM - Flow Cytometry Fluorescent

Thermo Scientific™ 9000 Series Glass Particle Standards

Replace polystyrene spheres in many applications with dry glass NIST™-traceable size standards. SLGLASS NIST 230UM 1GNIST Standard Glass 9 - Duke Standards Uniform

Thermo Scientific™ Dyed Red Aqueous Fluorescent Particles

Improve sensitivity and detectability for analytical methods with microsphere suspensions that are internally dyed and feature bright, high-contrast colors. Dyed Microsphere Suspension, red fluorescent,0.05 µm, 1% solids, 15 mL

Molecular Probes™ TransFluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 1.0μm (488/560), 2% solids

TransFluoSpheres™ Carboxylate-Modified Microspheres, 1.0 µm (488/560), 2% solids TRANSFLUOSPHERES(R) CARBOmicrospheres, 1.0 µm (488/560), 0.5 ml

Thermo Scientific™ Fluoro-Max Dyed Green Aqueous Fluorescent Particles

Improve sensitivity and detectability for analytical methods with green aqueous fluorescent particles. GREEN FL PS 0.25UM 1% 90MLFlouro-Max Color - Dyed Microsphere Suspensions

Molecular Probes™ Sulfate Latex Beads, 8% w/v, 0.7μm

Sulfate Latex Beads, 8% w/v, 0.7 µm SULFATE LATEX, 8% W/V 0.7 UMThese 0.7 µm sulfate latex microspheres are

Thermo Scientific™ Fluoro-Max Green and Red Dry Fluorescent Particles

Improve sensitivity and detectability for analytical methods with fluorescent particles that feature bright, distinct colors. GREEN PSDVB 5UM 5GFlouro-Max Dry - Dyed Microspheres green

Thermo Scientific™ Fluoro-Max Dyed Blue Aqueous Fluorescent Particles

Achieve improved sensitivity and detectability in analytical methods with internally dyed microspheres that feature bright, high-contrast colors. Dyed Microsphere Suspensions blue fluorescenpolystyrene microspheres, 0.50 µm, 1% solids, 15ml

Molecular Probes™ Alignflow™ Flow Cytometry Alignment Beads for Blue Lasers, 6.0μm

Alignflow™ Flow Cytometry Alignment Beads for Blue Lasers, 6.0 µm 3ML Alignflow Flow Cytometry Alignment Beads 6.0umfor blue lasers

Molecular Probes™ AccuCheck Counting Beads


Molecular Probes™ FluoSpheres™ NeutrAvidin™-Labeled Microspheres, 1.0μm, nonfluorescent, 1% solids

FluoSpheres™ NeutrAvidin™-Labeled Microspheres, 1.0 µm, nonfluorescent, 1% solids FLUOSPHERES(R) NEUTRAVIDImicrospheres, 1.0 µm, nonfluorescent 1%

Thermo Scientific™ Cyto-Cal™ Count Control

Ensure an accurate count verified by analytical procedures. 10ML CYTO-CAL COUNT CONTROL, FIREFLI FLUORESCENTred particles, 7µm nominal diameter 10mL

Molecular Probes™ Aldehyde/Sulfate Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 5μm

Aldehyde/Sulfate Latex Beads, 4% w/v, 5 µm ALDEHYDE/SULFATE LATEX, 4% W/VThis 5 µm Aldehyde/Sulfate latex contains an
