The first step in subculturing adherent cells is to detach them from the surface of the culture vessel by enzymatic or mechanical means. This critical step may be stressful for your cells.
That is why we offer various alternatives to allow you to use the best technique for your cells to make this step a success.
What's next? Go to Modify Step.
Safely Using a Centrifuge Near a Biological Safety Cabinet in Your Cell Culture Laboratory
- APPLICATION NOTE: Centrifuge & BSC (774.2 KB)
APPLICATION NOTE: Thermo Scientific general purpose benchtop centrifuges
Pelleting Efficiency of Patented Tilted Adapters Using the New Thermo Scientific Benchtop 1-Liter Centrifuges A Comparison of Pelleting in Thermo Scientific Benchtop and Superspeed Floor Model Centrifuges
APPLICATION NOTE: Thermo Scientific Sorvall LYNX 6000 superspeed centrifuge
Large Volume Pelleting Using the Thermo Scientific Sorvall LYNX 6000 Superspeed Centrifuge and the Thermo Scientific Fiberlite F9-6x1000 LEX Carbon Fiber Rotor
SMARTNOTES: Swinging bucket benchtop rotors
How can I help improve safety in my laboratory when spinning pathogens or patient samples in swing-out rotors?
- SMARTNOTES: Swinging bucket benchtop rotors (232.6 KB)
SMARTNOTES 1: Superspeed Centrifuges
How can instant rotor identification enhance productivity and safety during your centrifuge set-up and run?
- SMARTNOTES 1: Superspeed Centrifuges (303.5 KB)
SMARTNOTES 2: Superspeed Centrifuges
What technologies make it possible to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact with high performance floor model centrifuges?
- SMARTNOTES 2: Superspeed Centrifuges (667.7 KB)
SMARTNOTES 3: Superspeed Centrifuges
How do carbon fiber rotors ensure greater sample integrity than metal rotors during the sample preparation process?
- SMARTNOTES 3: Superspeed Centrifuges (218.7 KB)
SMARTNOTES: Large Capacity Centrifuges
How can blood banking and bioprocessing production facilities enhance ergonomics, while simplifying operation for greater productivity during their separations?
- SMARTNOTES: Large Capacity Centrifuges (533.6 KB)
How does Auto-Lock rotor exchange facilitate rotor placement and improve safety, compared with traditional rotor tie-down systems?
- SMARTNOTES: Rotors (192.8 KB)