pH Meters

Fisherbrand™ accumet™ AE150 Benchtop pH Meter: Bio Set

Provide the essential functions needed for routine pH measurements without complicated features and processes at a budget-friendly price Benchtop pH Meter AE150 bio set with double junction gel pH electrode, ATC probe and stand

Oakton™ EcoTestr™ Portable TDS/ EC/ Salt/ pH 2 Meter


Thermo Scientific™ Orion Star™ A111 Benchtop pH Meter

Take simple pH, mV and temperature measurements with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A111 Benchtop pH Meter with easy operation for basic lab testing pH benchtop kit Thermo Scientific Orion(TM) includes Orion star A111 pH meter with electrode (PHG-10

Fisherbrand™ accumet™ AE150 Benchtop pH Meter

Provides the essential functions needed for routine pH measurements without complicated features and processes at a budget-friendly price Benchtop pH Meter AE150 meter and stand

Mettler Toledo™ FiveEasy™ F20 pH/mV Meters

Compact, benchtop meter provides high quality pH/mV measurements with simple click of a button 1UNIT Benchtop meter Five Easy PH F20-Meter

Fisherbrand™ accumet™ AE150 Benchtop pH Meter: 3-in-1 Set

Provide the essential functions needed for routine pH measurements without complicated features and processes at a budget-friendly price Benchtop pH Meter AE150 3-in-1 set with 3-in-1 single junction gel pH/ATC electrode and stand

Thermo Scientific™ Orion Star™ A121 Portable pH Meter

Take simple pH and temperature measurements with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A121 Portable pH Meter with easy operation for basic field testing. KIT STAR A121 PH PORTABLE

Mettler Toledo™ FiveGo™ F2 pH/mV Meters

Portable meter provides reliable and high quality pH/mV measurements with simple click of a button 1UNIT Portable Meter FiveGO pH F2-Standard Kit

Hanna Instruments™ Checker™ pH Tester and Replacement Part

For use with virtually any electrode that shares same connector LOW COST STICK PH METERS

Oakton™ Waterproof Big Display pHTestr™ 30

Dual Display of pH and Temperature plus high accuracy x1 Oakton Waterproof pHTestr 30 Pocket pH Tester

Hanna Instruments™ pH Controller and Dosing Pump

Combines a pH meter with a chemical dosing pump in order to maintain a desired set point in process applications. Hanna Instruments™ pH Controller and Dosing Pump provides two advanced instruments in one compact unit. PH CONTROLLER & PUMPDosierung, Einpunktregelung

WTW™ inoLab™ 7110 Benchtop pH Meter

A simple, easy-to-use lab pH meter for routine measurement with reproducible measuring results and increased measuring accuracy. INOLAB® PH 7110 SET 4

Thermo Scientific™ Orion Star™ A211 Benchtop pH Meter

Reliably measure pH, mV, ORP and temperature with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A211 pH Benchtop Meter for advanced lab analysis and printer or computer interfacing KIT STAR A211 PH BENCHTOPwith ROSS Ultra Triode glass-body pH/ATC

Oakton™ pH 700 Benchtop Meter and Stand

Compact, with large dual-display LCD X1 Benchtop meter, Oakton pH700, with probe stand

Thermo Scientific™ Orion Star™ A221 pH Portable Meter

Reliably measure pH, mV, ORP and temperature with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Star A221 pH Portable Meter for advanced field analysis and printer or computer interfacing STAR A221 PH PORTABLE METER SPEARTIP KIT

Fisherbrand™ accumet™ AP110 Portable pH Meter

Accurate measurements any time, anywhere PORTABLE METER AP110 PH/MV/TEMP,rugged, waterproof IP67 housing, with 9V battery

Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Versa Star Pro™ pH/LogR™ Benchtop Meter

Get premium performance and ultimate flexibility with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Versa Star Pro™ Meter with pH / LogR Module for pH, mV, ORP and LogR temperature technology VERSA STAR WITH PH/LOGR MODULE

Lovibond™ Tintometer™ SD 320 Con Waterproof Handheld Meter

Measures Conductivity, Salinity, TDS and Temperature. The SD 300 series is a range of waterproof hand-held meters for drinking water, cooling and boiler water, waste water, pool water and surface water applications. DF320 CON Handheld Meter Set-1

Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Versa Star Pro™ pH Benchtop Meter

Get premium performance and ultimate flexibility with the Thermo Scientific™ Orion™ Versa Star Pro™ Meter with pH Module for pH, mV, ORP and temperature on customizable color display KIT VERSA STAR PH

Fisherbrand™ accumet™ AP115 Portable pH Meter Kit

Accurate measurements any time, anywhere PORTABLE METER KIT AP115 PH/MV/TEMPmeter, pH/ATCelectrode (13-620-AP50A), pH calibrat

Fisherbrand™ accumet™ AP110 Portable pH Meter Kit

Accurate measurements any time, anywhere PORTABLE METER KIT AP110 PH/MV/TEMPmeter with pH/ATC electrode (13-620-AP50A), pH

Fisherbrand™ accumet™ AP115 Portable pH Meter

Accurate measurements any time, anywhere PORTABLE METER AP115 PH/MV/TEMP,date/time/GLP, rugged, waterproof IP67 housing,

Alfa Aesar™ Checker pH Meter with screw-type, epoxy-body electrode

Checker pH Meter with screw-type, epoxy-body electrode 1each

Cole-Parmer™ Myron L™ Analog Total Dissolved Solids Meter

Analyze your samples on-site with these portable meters. Analog TDS meters are easy-to-operate meters for municipal, commercial, and industrial water quality control, chemical concentration testing, and process control. ANALOG TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS METER

Hanna Instruments™ Waterproof Portable pH Meter

Designed to provide laboratory precision under harsh environmental and industrial conditions. Hanna Instruments™ Waterproof Portable pH Meter is a rugged meter that offers many features and is supplied complete with meter, pH electrode, temperature probe and a plastic carrying case. PH-METER WATERPROOF HI9124

Mettler Toledo™ Seven2Go™ pH/mV Meter: S2

Ideal for mobile applications in the laboratory, at-line, and outdoors Portable pH/mVmeter S2-Light kit

Hanna Instruments™ Champ™ Pocket Sized pH Meter

Features a replaceable electrode and renewable reference junction. Hanna Instruments™ Champ™ Pocket Sized pH Meter can be calibrated at one point by the user, simply acting on the calibration trimmer. PH-METER PORTABLE CHAMP

Mettler Toledo™ FiveEasy™ Plus FP20 pH/mV Meters

Compact, benchtop meter provides high quality pH/mV measurements with simple click of a button 1UNIT Benchtop meter Five Easy Plus PH F20-Meter

Hanna Instruments™ Portable Meat pH Meter

Designed for the meat processing industry. Hanna Instruments™ Portable Meat pH Meter is a waterproof Foodcare meter that uses the FC232D amplified electrode, which offers numerous features to improve pH testing. Automatic calibration is performed at 1 or 2 points with two sets of buffers. MEAT PH / TEMP METER WITH FC 232D ELECTRODE
