Electrophoresis Equipment

Invitrogen™ iBlot™ Transfer Stack, nitrocellulose, mini

iBlot Transfer Stacks are used to transfer proteins

Invitrogen™ XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell

Quickly and easily run up to two Novex 8 x 8cm minigels, leak-free without any clamps or grease

Invitrogen™ Empty Gel Cassettes, mini, 1.5 mm

Platic cassettes pre-sealed with slot pre-taped

GE Healthcare EPS 301 Electrophoresis Power Supply

Cover the wide range of electrophoresis and blotting applications. Designed for performance, EPS Power Supplies can be relied on for security and reproducibility

Invitrogen™ iBlot™ 2 Transfer Stacks, nitrocellulose, mini

Used to transfer proteins with the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device

Hoefer™ Mighty Small™ II Mini Vertical Electrophoresis Systems

Combine the advantages of a small format and efficient cooling for rapid screening of protein and nucleic acids

Invitrogen™ XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell and XCell II™ Blot Module

Quickly and easily run and blot Novex minigels

Fisherbrand™ Power Supply, Mini 300V Plus

Provides up to 300V (volts) and 400mA of power. Fisherbrand™ Power Supply, 300V Mini Plus includes dual voltage compatibility.

Invitrogen™ DryEase™ Mini Cellophane

Component of DryEase Mini-Gel Drying System

Invitrogen™ Mini Gel Tank

Compatible with a variety of Novex™ gels, NuPAGE™ gels, and Bolt™ Bis-Tris Plus gels

GE Healthcare EPS 3501 High Voltage Power Supplies for Electrophoresis Units

Cover the wide range of electrophoresis and blotting applications. Designed for performance, EPS Power Supplies can be relied on for security and reproducibility

Invitrogen™ SureCast™ Gel Handcast Bundle B - Hardware Only

Pour your own polyacrylamide gels easily and confidently with a SureCast™ Gel Handcast Bundle B. The SureCast Handcast System can be used to create polyacrylamide gels using SureCast Handcast Reagents as well as any other popular polyacrylamide gel casting reagents.

Hoefer™ TE22 Mini Tank Blotting Unit

Safe, economical unit requires minimal current and only about 1L of buffer

Invitrogen™ Sponge Pad for Blotting

For the XCell SureLock Mini Blot Module

Invitrogen™ iBlot™ 2 Transfer Stacks, PVDF, mini

Consumable stacks with integrated PVDF transfer membranes for dry blotting of proteins

Hoefer™ SE 600 Chroma Vertical Electrophoresis System

Built-in heat exchanger maintains temperature between 1° and 45°C (33.8° and 113°F) for faster runs with superior quality results

GE Healthcare Whatman™ TurboBlotter Transfer System, Small Kits

Downward blotting device turns the conventional Northern/Southern transfer stack upside down for rapid, high-resolution transfer of DNA and RNA

Invitrogen™ Mini Gel Tank and Blot Module Set

Provides all of the necessary devices for protein separation and Western blotting using Novex™ gels, NuPAGE™ gels, and Bolt™ Bis-Tris Plus gels

GE Healthcare Amersham™ TE 70 and TE 70 PWR Semi-Dry Transfer Unit

Electrotransfer proteins from polyacrylamide gels up to 14 x 16cm (TE 77 PWR) and 21 x 26cm (TE 77) in size in less than one hour

Invitrogen™ iBlot™ Transfer Stack, PVDF, mini

Used to transfer proteins with the iBlot Gel Transfer Device

Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ VEP-2 Mini Tank Electroblotting System

Produce uniform, reproducible protein transfers for up to four polyacrylamide minigels with the Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ VEP-2 Mini Tank Electroblotting System.

Invitrogen™ SureCast™ Gel Handcast Bundle A - Hardware and Reagents

Pour your own polyacrylamide gels easily and confidently with a SureCast™ Gel Handcast Bundle A. The SureCast Handcast System can be used to create polyacrylamide gels using SureCast Handcast Reagents as well as any other popular polyacrylamide gel casting reagents.

Invitrogen™ Flat Gel Loading Tips

For easy and accurate loading of samples

Hoefer™ Lid Assembly for Mighty Small™ Electrophoresis Units

For use with Mighty Small electrophoresis units

GE Healthcare Accessories and Replacement Parts for Amersham™ VacuGene XL Vacuum Blotting System

VacuGene XL vacuum blotting system is the choice for nucleic acid blotting.

Hoefer™ Buffer Chambers for Mighty Small™ Electrophoresis Units

For use with Mighty Small electrophoresis units

GE Healthcare TE 22 Mini Tank Transfer Unit

Performs protein and nucleic acid transfers for Western, Southern, and Northern blots in less than one hour

Thermo Scientific™ Owl™ EC-105 Compact Power Supply

Carry out DNA and RNA electrophoresis with the help of theThermo Scientific™ Owl™ EC-105 Compact Power Supply
