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Eppendorf™ CellXpert™ C170i

The CellXpert C170i CO2 incubator provides reliable growth conditions (fast recovery, uniform temperature, fanless design) for more reproducible results and the fanless design makes cleaning easy. It also provides up to 25 % more usable space and many smart features with the VisioNize™ touch interface.

Brand:  Eppendorf™ 6731000012

10136.50 GBP valid until 2024-12-31
Use promo code "21658" to get your promotional price.

Availability and estimated dispatch date are for standard equipment. If factory fitted options, customisation or services are required, please Request A Quote or contact your Account Manager as lead times will vary.

Product Code. 15947065

  • £11249.82 / Each
Estimated Shipment: 14-01-2025
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  • Non-segmented inner door
  • 180° HTD (standard with C170i)
  • 220 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz


±0.1 %
USB, Ethernet, VisioNize™ onboard
0.1 to 20%
USB, Ethernet, VisioNize™ onboard
Ambient +4° to 50°C
outer door with magnetic closure
170 L
44.5 x 53.9 x 69.2 cm
53.9 cm
44.5 cm
220 – 240 V
VisioNize™ touch interface
170 L
IR Sensor
44.5 cm
CO2 Incubator
Ambient +4 °C to 50 °C
70.5 x 71.8 x 90 cm
69.2 cm
81 kg
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