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Eppendorf™ CellXpert™ C170

The CellXpert C170 CO2 incubator has a high useable volume to footprint ratio, and ensures a consistent, uniform atmosphere. The seamless chamber means and a fanless design makes it easy to clean and the 140°C High Temperature Disinfection provides effective decontamination.

Brand:  Eppendorf™ 6734000012

7974.75 GBP valid until 2024-12-31
Use promo code "21658" to get your promotional price.

Availability and estimated dispatch date are for standard equipment. If factory fitted options, customisation or services are required, please Request A Quote or contact your Account Manager as lead times will vary.

Product Code. 15987065

  • £9643.42 / Each
Estimated Shipment: 14-01-2025
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  • Up to 25 % more space: Fan-less design, smart racking system and innovative insulation concept
  • Easy to handle: New magnetic door locking concept for outer and inner doors
  • Easy cleaning and disinfection: Seamless chamber, easy disassembling
  • Effective contamination protection: 140 °C High Temperature Disinfection (HTD), no internal HEPA-filters
  • Enhanced vibration and turbulence protection: fan-less design


±0.1 %
Ethernet, VisioNize™ box
0.1 to 20%
Ambient +4° to 50°C
outer door with magnetic closure
170 L
44.5 x 53.9 x 69.2 cm
53.9 cm
44.5 cm
220 – 240 V
standard display
170 L
IR Sensor
CO2 Incubator
Ambient +4 °C to 50 °C
70.5 x 71.8 x 90 cm
69.2 cm
112 kg
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