Ua - Wz Restriction Enzymes

Thermo Scientific™ FastDigest™ Value Pack

FastDigest enzymes are an advanced line of fast restriction enzymes that are all 100% active in a single buffer. FASTDIGEST VALUE PACK

Thermo Scientific™ UTP

Optimize many molecular biology applications with UTP, a highly stable nucleotide with 99% purity. 250 UL NUCLEOTIDES, UTP, 99% PURITY BY HPLC,100mM 0.25mL Store at -20°C

Thermo Scientific™ Van91I (PflMI)

Cut at CCANNNN^NTGG sites with Van91I (PflMI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in R buffer (Isoschizomers: AccB7I, BasI, PflMI). VAN91I (PFLMI) 10U/UL 400U

Thermo Scientific™ VspI (AseI)

Cut at AT^TAAT sites with VspI (AseI) restriction enzyme, which performs best at 37°C in O buffer (Isoschizomers: AseI, PshBI). VSPI (ASEI) 10U/UL 1000U

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 106 Van91I

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. 800UNIT ANZA 106 VAN91I

Invitrogen™ Anza™ 76 VspI

Simplify traditional restriction enzyme cloning with the Invitrogen™ Anza™ Restriction Enzyme Cloning System. 1500UNIT ANZA 76 VSPI
