
Grant Instruments™ Bain-marie numérique avec couvercle
Provides stable temperature control, simple interface and fast heat-up. Grant Instruments™ JB Nova Digital Water Bath with Lid is available in a choice of four models with a base tray and lid included as standard. Water bath JB Nova JBN26 unstirred with lid 26L
Grant Instruments™ Grant Bio™ Densitometer
Measures turbidity of cell suspensions in a variety of life science applications. Grant Instruments™ Densitometer is designed and factory calibrated to measure turbidity in the range of 0.5 to 4.0 McFarland units (DEN-1) 0.0 to >7.5 McFarland units (DEN-1B) with a small standard deviation. DENSITOMETER GRANT BIO DEN-1 TUBE 230V 50-60HZ75mm (h) x 115mm (d) x 165mm (w) 0.3 to 5.0 McF
Grant Instruments™ Bains-marie sans agitation
L’acier inox offre une résistance chimique et une résistance à l’abrasion maximales. Le bain-marie sans agitation Grant Instruments™ JB Aqua est équipé d’une protection thermique et d’autres dispositifs de sécurité destinés à protéger l’utilisateur si le bain-marie est accidentellement actionné en l’absence d’eau ou dans le cas très peu probable d’une défaillance des deux systèmes de contrôle. Water bath JB Academy JBA18 Grant unstirred 18L
Grant Instruments™ Stainless Steel PCR UV Cabinet
Disinfects the working area chamber, inactivating DNA / RNA fragments during 15-30 minutes of exposure. Grant Instruments™ Stainless Steel PCR UV Cabinet is equipped with a high efficiency flow-type bactericidal UV cleaner-recirculator which provide constant decontamination inside the cabinet during operation. STAINLESS STEEL UV CABINET
Grant Instruments™ Mini Magnetic Stirrer
MMS-3000 Compact mini magnetic stirrer for routine laboratory procedures. MAGNETOMRÖRARE MMS-3000
Grant Instruments™ Combinaison centrifugeuse de paillasse / agitateur vortex
Cost-effective, fixed-speed, combined micro centrifuge/vortex mixer for combined or independent centrifuge and mixing applications of microtubes and 0.2ml microtube strips in low volume applications. CENTRIFUG COMBI-SPIN PCV-2400 GRANT-BIO
Grant Instruments™ Agitateur de paillasse Orbital
PSU-20i Powerful and efficient microprocessor controlled, multi-functional orbital shaker providing all that is required to mix your samples - rotation, reciprocation and vibration. This enables optimisation of the mixing, whether in flasks, beakers, petri dishes or other laboratory vessels. Large flat-bed orbital multishaker, exclusive ofplatform, 1/Cs, MA: PSU-20i
Grant Instruments™ Universal Platform with Adjustable Bars
Adjust bars to fit a variety of vessels at once. Grant Instruments™ Universal Platform and Adjustable Bars does not require any tools to adjust bars. UNIVERSAL PLATFORM, WITH ADJUSTABLE BARSverstellbare Halteschienen
Grant Instruments™ PCR UV CABINET
UVT-B-AR Economy bench-top model for protection against contamination during a variety of DNA/RNA procedures, with dual UV lamp protection. PCR UV CABINET
Grant Instruments™ Compact Incubator Shaker
ES-20 Versatile and programmable bench-top orbital shaker-incubator for mixing and incubating biological cultures and samples in a variety of flasks and vessels. INCUBATOR GRANT BIO ES-20 SHAKING BENCH TOP 230V50-60Hz435mm (h) x 340mm (d) x 340mm (w) 25 to
Grant Instruments™ Rack pour bain à ébullition
Keeps test tubes upright and secure in the bath. Tube rack s/steel J2-LE test tube for 1.5mLmicrocentrifuge tubes
Grant Instruments™ Systèmes de bloc chauffant à sec série QB, précision numérique
Provides excellent temperature control and a wide choice of interchangeable blocks for maximum flexibility. Grant Instruments™ QB Series Dry Block Heating Systems, Precision Digital combines superb temperature control and uniformity with high quality design and great versatility. HEATER BLOCK GRANT QBD1 120-230V 50-60HZ 1 BLOCKambient +5 to 130C digital
Grant Instruments™ PCR Plate Centrifuge/Vortex Mixer CVP-2
The CVP-2 is an all in one PCR centrifuge/vortex mixer that allows for the simultaneous sample preparation of multiple samples at one time. Versatile through being able to hold un, semi and fully skirted PCR plates with no additional accessories required. Centrifuge vortex mixer CVP-2 for PCR plates UK/EU
Grant Instruments™ Incubator shaker
ES-80 Versatile and programmable bench-top orbital shaker-incubator for mixing and incubating biological cultures and samples in a variety of flasks and vessels. SHAKER-INCUBATOR
Grant Instruments™ 8-Channel Adapter Kit
Includes tube adaptor, 8 channel aspiration tip and holder. Grant Instruments™ 8-channel Adaptor Kit is autoclavable. 8 CHANNEL ADAPTER SET
Grant Instruments™ XUBA Analog Ultrasonic Bath
Provides a high standard of reliable and effective ultrasonic technology. Grant Instruments™ XUBA Analog Ultrasonic includes M2 cleaning solution, stainless steel basket and ABS plastic lid included as standard. ULTRASONIC BATH
Grant Instruments™ Cuve de bains en acier inox
Helps to reduce evaporation/heat loss and avoid sample contamination. Grant Instruments™ Stainless Steel Bath Cover for Grant Stirred Water Baths is available flat or gabled with removable hinge. Lid Grant Optima gabled with hinges stainless
Grant Instruments™ Combinaison centrifugeuse de paillasse / agitateur vortex
Highly versatile and efficient variable-speed combined centrifuge/vortex mixer. Programmed centrifugation and mix operations or independent centrifuging and vortex-mixing of multiple microtubes and 0.2ml strips. CENTRIFUGE/VORTEX MIXER
Grant Instruments™ Thermoshaker with Cooling for Microtubes and Microplates
PCMT Variable speed and temperature, heating and cooling thermoshaker with a choice of blocks for microtubes and microplates: A microtube and microplate thermoshaker, A compact benchtop incubator, A microtube and microplate shaker X1 Microtube/Microplate thermoshaker with coolingTemperature setting range °C: + 4 to 100
For use with GP200 High Performance Series Stirred Water Baths CONTROL PCB ASSEMBLY
Grant Instruments™ 3D ROCKER-ROTATOR
PS-M3D Operates continuously or can be set for timed operation. Grant Bio™ PS-M3D Variable Speed / Angle, Multi-function 3D Rotator with individual phases may be linked together for absolute operational flexibility. 3D Rotator with flat platform and non-slip mat220-240V 50-60Hz multi-function
Grant Instruments™ Spare Adapter for DEN-1 Densitometer
For use with DEN-1 Densitometer SPARE ADAPTER FOR 16MM OUTER DIA. TUBES
Extremely compact personal vortex mixer with a low profile and small footprint for gentle mixing through to vigorous re-suspension of cell or chemical pellets in up to 50ml tubes. PERSONAL VORTEX MIXER
Grant Instruments™ Plateau universel
Holds flasks, bottles, and other vessels in place when used with Grant Shaking Water Baths. Includes adjustable springs. TU26 universal tray with adjustable springs toaccommodate a variety of vessel types for OLS26
Grant Instruments™ 360 VERTICAL MINI ROTATOR
PTR-25 Provides thorough mixing of samples in tubes up to 50ml. Grant Bio™ 360° Vertical Mini Rotator is suitable for use in cold rooms and incubators, operating at ambient temperature range +4°C to 40°C. 360 VERTICAL MINI ROTATOR
Grant Instruments™ Couvercles transparents de rechange en PC, à pignons
Directs condensation away from immersed vessels, avoids contamination, reduces evaporation and saves energy. Lid gabled AQL2 polycarbonate clear for SAP2
Grant Instruments™ Multi-Vortex Mixer
Versatile multi vortex mixer for vigorous re-suspension of cell or chemical pellets in tubes up to 1.5ml, with the facility to mix individual tubes up to 15ml. Vortexer V-32 multi-tube 2 30V 50/60Hztube capacity 32 tubes in diff sizes/combinations
Grant Instruments™ Liquid McFarland Standards Set
For use with DEN-1 and DEN-1B Densitometers. Grant Instruments™ Liquid McFarland Standards Set is supplied in 16mm dia. glass tubes. Latex particle Grant bio standard
Grant Instruments™ Aspirator with Trap Flask
Designed for the aspiration or removal of any remaining alcohol or buffer from microtest tube walls during DNA / RNA purification and other macromolecule re-precipitation techniques. Grant Instruments™ FTA-1 Aspirator with Trap Flask can be used for routine operations of cells washing from culture medium and resuspension in buffer. ASPIRATOR WITH TRAP FLASK
Grant Instruments™ Cuve de bains en acier inox Grant
Withstands temperatures up to 99°C. BATH GRANT P12 FOR USE UP TO +99C PLASTIC 12
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Laboratory equipment from Grant Scientific
Quality Design - Consistent Performance - Sound Investment
Grant Instruments is a world leader in the manufacture and design of equipment for sample preparation, scientific analysis, data acquisition and data analysis providing solutions to the global scientific and industrial markets.
The Scientific division of Grant Instruments designs and manufactures a wide range of high quality laboratory equipment used in laboratories throughout the world for analytical, diagnostic and research purposes.
Grant laboratory products are renowned for their high quality robust design, reliable and consistent performance and long-term value for money. All products are covered by a Grant warranty, for most products this is 3 years, and Grant's legendary service.
Key product groups include
- unstirred and stirred temperature controlled baths
- circulators for heating
- refrigerated baths
- circulators for cooling
- dry block heaters for incubating samples
- shaking baths for heating and agitating samples
- ultrasonic baths for cleaning laboratory vessels
Grant affiliate Biosan, part owned by Grant Instruments, designs and manufacture Grant bio equipment, an innovative and cost-effective range of compact products designed primarily for life science applications. These include mixers, thermoshakers, rockers, rotators, combined centrifuges/ vortex mixers, heating / cooling dry blocks, and microplate apparatus.
In addition, Grant produces a range of specialist laboratory equipment for specific applications, including high temperature baths, blood warming baths, seed testing baths, Gerber baths for dairies, and inspissators for the production of tuberculosis culture medium.