Industry Leading Quality, Reliability and Consistency
With proven brands like Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ and Nunc™ cultureware, our portfolio of products leads the industry worldwide in quality, performance and affordability – so researchers, like you, can advance their work with complete confidence.
General Cell Culture
Elevate consistency and scalability across your workflow with high-quality, reliable cultureware that makes success the standard.
Tubes & Pipettes
Thermo Scientific Nalgene filters are optimized for sterility and safety for your research, helping to guard against contamination and elevate overall results across every stage of your workflow.
Filtration Units & Bottles
Syringe Filters
Microplates for Cell Culture
Our line of Thermo Scientific Nunc microplates is unmatched in quality and breadth. Whether you're culturing individual cell lines or scaling up for high-throughput screening, or anything in between, there's a Thermo Scientific plate for your needs.
96- Well Plates
384 & 1536-Well Plates
Thermo Scientific Nunc and Nalgene cryogenic storage vials and accessories provide the highest quality and most reliable sample storage options for cell culture. Protect your precious samples with Thermo Scientific sample storage products.
Cryogenic Tubes
Ideally suited for research and general laboratory storage of high-value and genomic materials down to vapor phase liquid nitrogen temperatures.
Barcoded Tubes
Cryotubes with directly-printed barcodes are more robust than labels and ideal for easy sample inventory; take traditional cryostorage to the next level with laser etched 2D barcodes.
Tubes and Accessories
Cryopreservation Accessories
Protect your precious samples by combining dependable cryogenic tubes with our broad range of accessories.
Nunc Cryoflex Tubing in Action
Thermo Scientific Nunc Biobanking and Cell Culture Cryogenic Tubes can help protect your precious samples in liquid nitrogen with a simple 4-step use. Follow along to see how easy it is to encase and store samples in the highest quality and most reliable option.
Mr. Frosty Freezing Container in Action
The video shows step-by-step instructions on using the Mr. Frosty Freezing container which can accommodate tubes from 1.0 – 5.0 mL and by following this process you can experience higher cell viability with proper freezing.
ID Scribe Labward Identifier in Action
The ID Scribe Labware Identifier writes on tubes, vials and other materials to simply and legibly identify samples. Imprints directly on curved and flat surfaces, whether storing for one day or retrieving samples years later, your identification will be legible throughout the life of the sample.
Thermo Scientific Nunclon Sphera Flasks, Dishes & Plates

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Thermo Scientific Nunc Chamber Slides Brochure
Read about Thermo Scientific Nunc Chamber Slides, Chambered Coverglass & Flasks on slides flexibility for cell imaging analysis.
Thermo Scientific Nunclon Sphera Brochure
Thermo Scientific Nunclon Sphera culture surface allows cells to grow in suspension with virtually no cell attachment. Learn about Optimizing spheroid formation, 3D cancer cultures and more.
Thermo Scientific Nunc Serological Pipettes Brochure
Read about our newly expanded portfolio of serological pipettes featuring a full range of sizes and packaging options.
Thermo Scientific Nunc Cell Culture Brochure
Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a wide range of cell culture inserts – featuring our Nunclon™ Delta surface treatment of the membrane – as well as uniquely adjustable, flexible carrier plates.
Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filters Brochure
From the outside, bottle top Filters look alike. Learn about Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow Filters superior performance and more.
Thermo Scientific Sphera Surface Applications Note
Thermo Scientific Nunclon Sphera surface supports formation of embryoid bodies from pluripotent stem cells - read about the stem cell line cultivation, spheroid formation and more.
Thermo Scientific Sphera Cancer Application Note
Read how the Nunclon Sphera surface consistently demonstrates minimal ECM protein binding, extremely low cell attachment and more.
Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid Flow Stem Cells Application Notes
Read about culturing embryonic stem cells using media filtered with Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid-Flow PES filter units to reduce contamination risk.
Thermo Scientific Nalgene rapid Flow Application Notes
Read about the performance of the Thermo Scientific Nalgene 0.1 micron filter units with similar devices made by Corning and Millipore.
Thermo Scientific Nalgene Rapid Flow 0.2 Micron Rapid Flow Application Notes
This study compared the flow rate and throughput of Thermo Scientific Nalgene filter units. Read about the test method, data analysis and more.
Thermo Scientific Chamberslide Application Notes
Learn more about the advantage of specialty treated Thermo Scientific chamber slide glass for neuronal cell culture.
Mr. Frosty Freezing Container in Action
The video shows step-by-step instructions on using the Mr. Frosty Freezing container which can accommodate tubes from 1.0 – 5.0 mL and by following this process you can experience higher cell viability with proper freezing.
Thermo Scientific Nunc 2.0mL Univeral Tubes Datasheet
Learn about Thermo Scientific Nunc Internally-threaded 2.0 mL Universal System Tubes specifications and features.
ID Scribe Labward Identifier in Action
The ID Scribe Labware Identifier writes on tubes, vials and other materials to simply and legibly identify samples. Imprints directly on curved and flat surfaces, whether storing for one day or retrieving samples years later, your identification will be legible throughout the life of the sample.
Thermo Scientific Centrifuge Tubes Datasheet
Learn about Thermo Scientific Conical Centrifuge Tubes functionality, flexibility and more.
Thermo Scientific Nunc Glass Bottom Dish Datasheet
Learn how using Thermo Scientific™ Nunc™ Glass Bottom Dishes in your research applications gives you the flexibility to convert your culture device into an imaging device.
Nunc Cryoflex Tubing in Action
Nunc Cryoflex Tubing is ideally suited for research and general laboratory storage of high value and genomic materials down to vapor phase liquid nitrogen temperatures. This video shows the step by step process on how to use Nunc Cryoflex Tubing.