Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ UC152D Model Hot Plate Stirrer, Ambient to 450°C, Glass Ceramic
Stirring Range: 100 to 2000 rpm; Shape: Square; Size: 150 x 150 mm STIRRER/HOTPLATE, DIGITAL DISPLAY, CERAMIC TOP
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Glass Melting Point Tubes
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Bibbyjet Proâ„¢ Pipette Controller
Discharges air sucked from the pipette from the front of the unit, avoiding corrosion of internal mechanisms. Stuartâ„¢ Bibbyjet Proâ„¢ Pipette Controllers are powerful enough to fill a 50 mL pipette in just 10 seconds. Pipette filler UK-Plug Stuart Bibbyjet Pro withwall holder,UK charger and two spare 0.2mLmembrane
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Colony Counter
Registers cumulative count on the digital display with touch pressure from felt tip marker on petri dish, confirmed by audible tone (can be turned on or off). Stuartâ„¢ Colony Counter calculates average count over multiple plates. COLONY COUNTER STUART SC
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Shaking Incubator
Provides an orbital shaking motion, adjustable between 30 to 300rpm with a gentle start action. Stuartâ„¢ Shaking Incubator is ideal for cell culturing and suspension culture applications. INCUBATOR WITH ORBITAL SHAKER 20KG
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Flask Shaker
Creates a vigorous mixing action by simulating hand shaking. Stuartâ„¢ Flask Shaker is especially useful for prolonged shaking because it can be left on continuously and won't get tired! SHAKER 8 ERLENMAYER STUART SF1
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Rotator Disk
Used in incubators up to 40°C and in cold rooms down to 4°C. Stuart™ Rotator Disks give gentle but effective mixing. Ideal for keeping biological samples in suspension, aerating cultures and for general mixing applications. DISC/DRUM ROTATOR FIXED SPEED
Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ Hot Plate, 50°C to 300°C, Metal
Shape: Rectangle; Size: 11.8 x 19.7 in. HOT PLATE 1200W
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Orbital Shaker
Provides a smooth uniform circular motion with an orbit of 16mm. Stuartâ„¢ Orbital Shaker is supplied with a non-slip mat that can hold up to four multi-well plates or diagnostic cards. ORBITAL SHAKER,MINI
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Digital Melting Point Apparatus
Select, measure and display melting point digitally and negate the need for a thermometer. Stuartâ„¢ Digital Melting Point Apparatus displays temperature to 0.1 degree resolution depending on the model chosen. MELTING POINT APP DIGITAL SMP20
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ See-Saw Rocker
Creates a wave motion within vessels such as culture flasks and Petri dishes. See-Saw Rockers are supplied with a non-slip mat which holds flat based vessels securely in place during mixing. SEE-SAW ROCKER,MINI
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ SCT1 Temperature Controller
Designed for use with the Stuartâ„¢ Undergrad range of stirrer hotplates, the SCT1 can be used either as a temperature controller or as a digital thermometer. Stuartâ„¢ SCT1 Temperature Controller is ideal for the accurate temperature control of aqueous or oil based samples in the laboratory. TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER
Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ Multiposition Hot Plate Stirrer, Ambient to 325°C, Aluminum
Stirring Range: 100 to 1500 rpm; Shape: Square; Size: 160 x 160 mm HEATING MAGNETIC STIRRER
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Variable Speed SA8 Vortex Mixer
Control the mixing speed by selecting from 200 rpm for more gentle mixing to 2500 rpm for vigorous agitation. Stuartâ„¢ Variable Speed SA8 Vortex Mixer provides 'touch' on mode and continuous operation simply by pressing a button on the facia. Includes integral retort rod for securing vessels above the vortex action for long-term mixing. VORTEX MIXER,VARIABLE SPEED
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Glass Merit Water Still
Produces up to 4 L/hour of quality distillate in accordance with the European Pharmacopoeia for Purified Water. Stuartâ„¢ Glass Merit Water Still incorporates a horizontal borosilicate glass boiler and a high efficiency coil condenser to ensure a cool distillate. MERIT WATER STILL UNIT 4 L/H
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Magnetic Stirrer
Stirs up to 15 L at speeds up to 2000 rpm. Stuartâ„¢ Magnetic Stirrer is available with a robust stainless steel or chemically resistant ceramic top place. The compact shape of the magnetic stirrer takes up less bench space and makes storage easier. MAGNETIC STIRRER SS 15X15CM
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Analogue Tube Roller
Provides a gentle, but highly efficient, rocking and rolling action. Stuart™ Analogue Tube Roller Units can be used in incubators up to 60°C and humidity up to 80%, or in cold rooms down to 4°C. ROCK'N ROLLER 6 ROLLS 33RPM
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ 3D Gyrating Rocker
Provides a 3D gyratory motion, ideal for low foaming agitation, DNA extractions, staining and de-staining procedures. Stuartâ„¢ 3D Gyrating Rocker includes a non-slip mat which holds flat based vessels securely in place during mixing. 3D GYRATORY ROCKER SSL3
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Hot Plate, Ceramic
Shape: Square; Size: 11.8 x 11.8 in. Hotplate CR300 infra red ceramic top 300mm x 300mmplate diameter 140mm dia heated area 230V 50/60Hz
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Disk
Hold a variety of tubes with these tube holders. Stuartâ„¢ Disks can be quickly and easily removed and replaced without the need for tools. DISC FOR 20 TUBES DIA 9-20MM
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Concentrator Evaporator
Produce ideal conditions for fast, efficient evaporation. Stuartâ„¢ Concentrator Evaporators are a fast and convenient way of concentrating multiple samples in a block heater at once. GAZ MANIFOLD
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Digital Tube Roller
Provides a gentle, but highly efficient, rocking and rolling action. Stuartâ„¢ Digital Tube Rollers offer variable speed from 5 to 60rpm and a built-in digital timer which can either set from 1 second to 90 minutes, 1 minute to 9 hours or in 'minutes-only' mode up to 9999 minutes for maximum versatility. ROCK'N ROLLER 6 ROLLS DIGITAL
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ SW6 Flocculator
Designed for repeatable conditions between samples and from run to run JAR TEST 6 PLACES SW6
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Large Shaking Incubator
Accommodates 6 x 2 L flasks and is still compact enough to be positioned on the laboratory bench. Stuartâ„¢ Large Shaking Incubator is ideal for cell culturing and suspension culture applications. SI600 LARGE VOLUME INCUBATOR, ORBITAL SHAKER
Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ Hot Plate Stirrer, 450°C, Glass Ceramic
Stirring Range: 200 to 1300 rpm; Size: 4.7 x 4.7 in. CERAMIC STIRRER 450°C DIGITAL
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ SI600C Model Shaking Incubator
Use this shaker for low temperature applications such as cell based protein expression. Stuartâ„¢ SI600C Model Shaking Incubators are also ideal for cell culturing procedures, especially suspension culture applications. SHAKER INCUBATOR W/COOLING COIL
Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ Hot Plate Stirrer, 325°C, Aluminum
Stirring Range: 100 to 2000 rpm; Shape: Square; Size: 150 x 150 mm STIRRER/HOTPLATE,DIGITAL,ALUMINIUM TOP 38
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Mini Microtitre Plate Shaker
Designed for the mixing of microtitre plates and microcentrifuge tubes. Stuartâ„¢ Mini Microtitre Plate Shaker with its small footprint is ideal for placement inside CO2 incubators for samples requiring controlled temperature and/or humidity conditions MICROTITRE PLATE SHAKER
Cole-Parmerâ„¢ Stuartâ„¢ Analog Melting Point Apparatus
Includes a pack of 100 melting point tubes MELTING POINT BASIC SMP11
Cole-Parmer™ Stuart™ US152 Hot Plate Stirrer, 325°C, Coated Aluminum Silicon Alloy
Stirring Range: 100 to 2000 rpm; Shape: Square; Size: 5.9 x 5.9 in. HEATING STIRRER ALUMINIUM 15X15CM
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