Tapes and Labels
Brother International™ Special Laminated Tape
Fisherbrand™ Micryo™ Labels Strips and Dots for Cryo Storage, Laser Printer Sheets
Intended uses of cryostorage with liquid nitrogen, refrigeration and ultra-low temperature freezer applications. X600 Fisherbrand Micryo Labels 2,5x6,6cm Strips and Dots for racks/boxes laser printer
Fisherbrand™ Tough-Tags™ Label Station
Just drop the box into the station and feed the paper through the slot. Fisherbrand™ Tough-Tags™ Label Station holds up to six standard size boxes. TOUGH TAGS STATION LABEL DISPENSER
Shamrock™ Multiple Tape Dispenser for 2160 in. Rolls
An excellent storage and dispensing solution. SHAMROCK DISPENSEUR MULTI-TAPE FOR
Thermo Scientific™ Lettore di codici a barre VisionMate™ SR Single Rack 2D
Decode a full rack of barcoded storage tubes in less than ten seconds with the compact, user-friendly Thermo Scientific™ VisionMate™ SR Single Rack 2D Barcode Reader. VISIONMATE SR,FULL RACK FLATBED
Brother International™ Laminated Tape
Fisherbrand™ Foglio di etichette criogeniche
Adesione garantita senza danneggiamenti nel congelatore criogenico. Le etichette in poliolefine criogeniche Fisherbrand™ resistono a temperature estreme, bollitura, autoclavaggio, agenti caustici e centrifugazione senza subire distacchi, screpolature o deterioramento. In rotoli o fogli per stampante in due formati. X1200 LABEL CRYOGENIC SHEETPOLYOLEFIN TEMP RANGE-196 to 150C, pack of 1200 White 38mm x 19mm
Brady™ LABXPERT™ Nylon Cloth Labels
LABXPERT™ Nylon Cloth Labels are nylon cloth (B-499) wrap-around labels that are highly pliable to conform to tightly curved surfaces such as wire and cable. X275 ETICHETTA NYLON 21X9,5 MM
Brady™ BMP51/BMP53/BMP41 Label Maker Cartridge: B-428 Metalized Polyester
For marking relays, solenoids, switches, drive motors and other components BOX OF M-60-428 CARTRIDGE ROLL OF 140 LABELS
Brady™ Label Maker Vinyl Cartridges (B-595) for BMP51, BMP53, BMP41 Printers
Indoor/Outdoor grade vinyl conforms well to smooth or rough surfaces BOX OF MC1-1000-595-RD-WT CARTRIDGE ROLL OF 7,62 M LABELS
Fisherbrand™ Colored Labeling Tape
Useful for many labeling applications—will adhere to most surfaces and can be written on. X3 Fisherbrand rolls 13mmx25mm gray labeling tape
Fisherbrand™ Colored Labeling Tape
Colored Label Tape is useful for many labeling applications. It can be written on and will adhere to most surfaces. X4 Fisherbrand rolls 55mmx19mm violet labeling tape
Brady™ Freezerbondz II Polyester Labels
Printable labels for thermal transfer printers ROLL OF X1500 THT-251-492-1.5-SC LABELS
Brady™ Etichette per stampante in nylon LABXPERT™ e IDXPERT™: Forma rettangolare
Utili per operazioni di etichettatura generiche. Le etichette per stampante in nylon Brady™ LABXPERT™ e IDXPERT™ sono compatibili con stampanti LABXPERT™ e IDXPERT™. X300 ETICHETTA TUBO+TAPPO 11MM
Brady™ Etichette in poliestere Freezerbondz
Printable labels for thermal transfer printers ROLL OF X100 LABEL 55,9X38,1MM FREEZERB
Brady™ BMP51/BMP53/BMP41 Label Maker Cartridge: B-499 Nylon Cloth
Label Maker Cartridge with B-499 Nylon Cloth labels for use in commercial and industrial applications. BOX OF M-128-499 CARTRIDGE ROLL OF 100 LABELS
Brady™ Etichette per vetrini in poliestere LABXPERT™
Le etichette sono ideali per applicazioni da laboratorio e sanitarie. Etichette per vetrini in poliestere Brady™ LABXPERT™ ideali per l'uso con stampanti LABXPERT™ e IDXPERT™. X200 ETICHETTA POLIESTERE 48X6 MM
Heathrow Scientific™ Tough Spots™ Tube Labels, Roll
Pre-cut, round tube labels will not peel or migrate, even with exposure to extreme temperatures, caustic agents or centrifugation, for secure labeling of microtubes during any lab procedure. (Available in a variety of colors; 1000 labels per roll.) ROLL OF 1000 LABELS TOUCH SPOTS D13MM 1.5/2ml ORANGE
Buerkle™ Sigillo di chiusura Close-it™
Prevenire perdite di campione con questi sigilli adesivi. I sigilli di chiusura Buerkle™ Close-it™ sono stati concepiti per prevenire perdite di campione dai fori creati dalle lance di campionamento. Le etichette presentano una struttura a sandwich (in alluminio/carta) che sigilla ermeticamente i contenitori (con una barriera antivapore). X250 ETICHETTA CLOSE-IT NEUTRA
Shamrock™ Color Coded Multi-Purpose Labeling Tape
Offered in a number of colors and sizes to fit your needs. Shamrock™ Color Coded Multi-Purpose Labeling Tape offers multiple opportunities for color coding in the laboratory - test, physician or department. 55M NASTRO ADESIVO GIALLO 13MMON,L=54,8 M,GIALLO
Cole Parmer™ Multi-Roll Tape Dispenser
Stores, carries, and cuts multiple tape rolls. Cole-Parmer Multi-Roll Tape Dispenser
Texwipe™ Steam Sterilization Chemical Indicator Label
X4 ROLL Pre-Printed Sterilization Indicator Autoclave 2" x 2" Autoclave Adhesive (5.1 cm x 5.1 cm),
Brady™ Cartucce di etichette BMP™ 21 ID Pal™: Nastro di pellicola in poliestere trasparente
Il nastro di pellicola è utile per diverse applicazioni di etichettatura. Le cartucce di etichette BMP™ per BMP21-PLUS, BMP21-LAB, BMP21, LABPAL sono ideali per centrifughe, provette per PCR ed Eppendorf, provette coniche e grandi, fiale e provette criogeniche. 6,4M ETICHETTA PE PER TUBO L=19MM
Brady™ Cartucce di etichette BMP™ 21 ID Pal™: Tela di nylon per filo, cavo e pannelli
Per fili, cavi, pannelli e pannelli di connessione BOX OF M21-375-499 LABEL BLCK ON CLEAR 9.53MM X 4,90M
Brady™ ed etichette in nylon per stampante portatile a trasferimento termico TLS-PC Link™per fiale/provette da 0.5 a 8 ml
Labels for 0.5 to 8mL vials or tubes X500 ETICHETTA 19 X 12 MM
Brady™ BMP51/BMP53 Label Maker Cartridge: B-427 Vinyl
Label Maker Cartridge with B-427 Vinyl labels for labeling facility, equipment, drawers and cabinets with warnings, instructions and reminders. BOX OF M-135-427-AW CARTRIDGE ROLL OF 240 LABELS
Brady™ LABXPERT™ High-Performance Lab Polyester Labels
LABXPERT™ High-Performance Lab Polyester Labels are made of self-laminating polyester (B-461), a clear film with a matte white printable zone ideal for cables, laboratory ID or general labeling where graphics need to be protected. X175 ETICHETTA PROTETTA 56X13X19M
Fisherbrand™ Labeling Tape
Colored Label Tape is useful for many labeling applications. It can be written on and will adhere to most surfaces. X6 Fisherbrand rolls 13mmx13mm gray labeling tape
Thermo Scientific™ Etichette in poliolefina sensibile alla pressione Nalgene™
Etichette impermeabili e resistenti agli agenti chimici utilizzabili con fotocopiatrici, stampanti laser o stampanti a getto d'inchiostro. Non si piegano, non si accartocciano e non si sciolgono. Polyolefin Label 51x102mm, 500 pcs
Cole-Parmer™ Tough-Tags™ Large Labels for Laser Printers
Eliminate repetitive writing. Cole Parmer™ Tough-Tags™ Large Labels for Laser Printers are specially coated to accept laser printing. X2125 LABEL LASER TOUGH TAG