Mettler Toledo
Mettler Toledo™ Confezione soluzione tampone pH 4.01, 7.00, 9.21
BUFFER SOL PH=401/7,00/921 20ML
Mettler Toledo™ Standard di conducibilità 1413μS
X6 Conductivity standard, 1413uS 250mL
Mettler Toledo™ Soluzioni di riempimento per elettrodi
Realizzata con reagenti di massima qualità per fornire prestazioni ottimali. 3 MOL/L KCL AGCL SATURATED 25 ML
Mettler Toledo™ Rotoli di carta autoadesiva per le stampanti per bilance Mettler Toledo
Per le stampanti Mettler Toledo LC-P43, BT-P42 (wireless) e RS-P42. Rotolo di carta autoadesiva di ricambio per stampanti per bilance Mettler Toledo™. X3 Printer paper roll Mettler Toledo self adhesive
Mettler Toledo™ Tampone tecnico
Un tampone pH affidabile e versatile. Le soluzioni tampone pH Mettler Toledo™ di grado tecnico sono specificate a due cifre decimali e sono tracciabili agli standard NIST. La soluzione codificata a colori viene fornita in un pratico flacone in plastica da 250 ml completa di etichette esaustive. 250 ML TECHNICAL BUFFER, PH9.21 250ML
Mettler Toledo™ Elettrodi per pH e pH/ATC combinati serie Expert
Per campioni critici come le sospensioni o i campioni di composizione sconosciuta. Gli elettrodi per pH e pH/ATC combinati Mettler Toledo Serie Expert con giunzione aperta mettono l'elettrodo di riferimento direttamente a contatto con il terreno di misurazione eliminando la possibilità di contaminazione o di blocco. PH ELECTRODE INLAB EXPERT 2ML=120mm, BNC-Anschluss
Mettler Toledo™ Detergente per elettrodi
Per eliminare le contaminazioni da proteine dal diaframma di elettrodi per pH. La soluzione detergente con pepsina-HCl Mettler Toledo™ contribuisce a mantenere le prestazioni dell'elettrodo e deve essere utilizzata dopo le misurazioni e prima della ricalibrazione. Il tempo di trattamento è di circa 1 ora. 250 ML PEPSIN-HCL CLEANER 250ML
Mettler Toledo™ VP6-St pH Probes
Mettler Toledo™ Conductivity Standard 10 µS/cm, sachets 10x20 mL
X10 Cond standard 10 s / cm, sachets 20ml
Mettler Toledo™ InLab™ Smart Pro-ISM pH Electrode
pH sensor Mettler Toledo InLab Smart Pro-ISM
Mettler Toledo™ Soluzione di riempimento per elettrodi KCl 3M
Realizzata con reagenti di massima qualità per fornire prestazioni ottimali. 250 ML KCL 3M ELECTROLYTE 250ML
Mettler Toledo™ Refracto™ 30GS Portable Refractometer
Offers an extended measuring range due to its special prism design for measurements in laboratory and production environments. REFRACTO 30GSKit
Mettler Toledo™ Standard di conducibilità a base acquosa, 84μS/cm
Mettler Toledo™ Misuratori per pH/mV FiveEasy™ Plus FP20
Misuratore da banco compatto che consente misurazioni di elevata qualità di pH/mV mediante l'uso di un semplice pulsante 1UNIT Benchtop meter Five Easy Plus PH F20-Bio Kit
Mettler Toledo™ InPro™ 3253i/SG pH Electrodes
Low-maintenance pH electrode supplied complete with factory-filled, prepressurized liquid electrolyte. Mettler Toledo™ InPro™ 3253i/SG pH Electrodes are suited to a wide scope of applications in biotechnology, pharmaceutical and chemical process industries. InPro3253i/SG/325pH/Redox-Einstabmesskette
Mettler Toledo™ Elettrodi per pH e pH/ATC combinati serie Specialty: InLab™ Semi-Micro-L
Elettrodi speciali progettati per applicazioni particolari. MICROELETTRODO PH VETRO INLAB 421
Mettler Toledo™ Elettrodi pH combinati
pH Electrode Typ 405-DPAS-SC-K8s/200
Mettler Toledo™ 405-DPAS-SC-K8S pH Probe
Mettler Toledo™ Halogen Moisture Analyzer Parts
Mettler Toledo™ InLab™ Conductivity Sensors
Sensors with Intelligent Sensor Management (ISM) technology. Mettler Toledo InLab Conductivity Sensors with integrated NTC 30kOhm temperature sensor enables automatic temperature compensation. INLAB 738 ISM-10M
Mettler Toledo™ Water Density Standard For Densito™ 30PX
Accessory for use with Mettler Toledo 30PX Density/Gravity Meters. X10 Water standard density sachets 6mL (pack of
Mettler Toledo™ SevenExcellence™ S470 pH/Conductivity Meters
Intuitive touchscreen operation and high measurement performance combined with a complete security package for safe results and solid compliance. Mettler Toledo SevenExcellence S470 pH/Conductivity Meters handle complex applications and meets stringent regulatory requirements. Conductivity meter S470
Mettler Toledo™ Elettrodi combinati per pH InLab™ serie Easy
For applications that demand a robust electrode. Mettler Toledo InLab Easy Series pH Combination Electrodes offer an outstanding price/performance ratio and are cost-effective alternative for less-demanding requirements. ELETTRODO PH EPOXY INLAB 407
Mettler Toledo™ Oxygen Sensor Master 6800/6050
O2 Sensor Master InPro 6800 Nr. 52200892
Mettler Toledo™ Soluzioni tampone: pH standard
Soluzioni di conservazione e riempimento per elettrodi pH 250 ML NIST/DIN 19266 BUFFER, PH10.012 250ML
Mettler Toledo™ Confezione soluzione tampone pH 9.21
Mettler Toledo™ Elettrodi per pH combinati serie Specialty: InLab™ Micro
Elettrodi speciali progettati per applicazioni particolari. MICROELETTRODO PH INLAB Micro, S7
Mettler Toledo OptoCap BT01 InPro6870i/InPro6880i
12781382 OptoCap BT01 InPro6870i/InPro6880i OptoCap BT01 InPro6870i/InPro6880i
Mettler Toledo™ Elettrodi combinati pH InLab™
Per la misurazione del pH in piccoli contenitori. PH ELECTRODE INLAB MICRO PRO ISMwith NTC temperature probe with multipin connector
Mettler Toledo™ InLab™ Conductivity Probes
Ideal sensor for general conductivity measurements. Mettler Toledo InLab Conductivity Probes have integrated temperature sensors that enable correction to a reference temperature. CONDUCTIVITY CELL INLAB 731-2M
METTLER TOLEDO is a leading global manufacturer of analytical instrumentation, offering everything required for precise and reliable pH, ORP, ion concentration, conductivity and dissolved oxygen (DO, BOD) measurements.
Whatever you need to measure, be it pH, ORP, ion concentration, conductivity or dissolved oxygen (DO, BOD), METTLER TOLEDO with its long-term experience provides you with the product you need.
Our focus is on high quality products combined with simple, intuitive operation and ergonomic design. The comprehensive product portfolio featuring a wide range of benchtop and portable meters accompanied by a complete range of electrodes, sensors and solutions covers the most varied electrochemical applications in all sectors.
Not only do we offer product solutions for complex applications subject to regulatory control but also for simple routine measurements as well.
Benchtop pH Meters
User-friendly and intuitive instruments for highest precision and solid compliance
Portable pH Meters
Simple and accurate measurements on the go, whatever the application
pH, Conductivity, DO, Ion, OPR Sensors and Electrodes
These sensors combine innovative technologies and a tradition in glassblowing for fast and highly accurate measurements
Buffers, Standards and Electrolytes
High-quality solutions for calibration, verification and maintenance of sensors
Meter Software
With LabX® direct pH you have flexible data transfer software to easily send data from your Seven Series instrument to an Excel spreadsheet or any cursor position in other PC applications.
For additional information on the full range of METTLER TOLEDO electrochemistry products please visit or contact your local Fisher Scientific office.
For further information on electrode or sensor selection, including information on troubleshooting please visit