Techne Hybridization Incubator Accessory, Tubes
Versatile multiple tube formats; mix and match sizes within an instrument to cater for different throughputs, users and applications. Glass hybridization tubes reduce volumes, simplify washing and improve signals HYBRIDIZATION TUBE 44 X 240 MM
Techne PrimePro 48 Real-Time PCR System Accessories
Techne™ PrimePro 48 Real-Time PCR System Accessories keep you running smoothly. Prime Pro 48 plates, pk/50
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Staphylococcus aureus (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Staphylococcus aureus (withMastermix)
Techne Prime Pro 48 Real-time qPCR System
A new, high specification real time thermal cycler that features highest thermal block uniformity and fastest run time of any block-based qPCR system on the market. Accommodates a unique 48-well polypropylene PCR plate utilizing the same geometry as standard 384-well plates, but only 1/8 of the size. Prime Pro 48 Real Time PCR System
Techne™ Tray Column Plus Gas Distributor
Designed for use with Techne™ Sample Concentrators. GAS CHAMBER AND STAND ONLY
Techne™ Aluminum Dri-Block Insert
Ensure efficient heat transfer with anodized aluminum alloy blocks. Aluminum Techne™ Dri-Block Inserts provide excellent thermal conductivity. TECHNE BLOCK FOR 10MM TUBES
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Mycoplasma mycoides cluster (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Mycoplasma mycoides cluster(without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Herpes simplex Type 1 (HHV1) (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Herpes simplex Type 1 (HHV1) (with Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, All Legionella species (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, All Legionella species (without Mastermix)
Techne™ Glass Hybridization Tube with Push on End Cap
Expand the capabilities of your incubator with these parts and accessories. HYBRIDIZATION TUBE 80 X 220 MM
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Rotavirus B (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Rotavirus B (without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Hepatitis E virus (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Hepatitis E virus (with Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Human Measles virus (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Human Measles virus (without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Rabies virus (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Rabies virus (without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Tick-borne Encephalitis virus (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Tick-borne Encephalitis virus (without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, NOS terminator in GM crops (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, NOS terminator in GM crops (with Mastermix)
Techne 3PRIMEBASE Thermal Cyclers
Full color touchscreen display, easy programming and intuitive user interface, which provides an unrivalled user experience 3 PRIME THERMAL CYCLER 18X0.5ML
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis (with Mastermix)
Techne™ PCR Plate
X20 PCR plate Techne 48-well (pack of 20)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Human Rhinovirus Subtype 16 (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Human Rhinovirus Subtype 16(without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Felis catus (cat) (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Felis catus (cat) (without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Simkania negevensis (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Simkania negevensis (with Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Clostridium tetani (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Clostridium tetani (with Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Coronavirus 2012 genomes (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Coronavirus 2012 genomes (with Mastermix)
Techne 3PrimeG Gradient Thermal Cyclers
Small gradient thermal cycler that builds on all features of 3PrimeX instrument Thermal cycler gradient 3PrimeG/05 30x0.5mL
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, All Ehrlichia species (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, All Ehrlichia species (withMastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Human Polyomavirus 7 (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Human Polyomavirus 7 (with Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Orf virus (Contagious pustular dermatitis) (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Orf virus (Contagious pustular dermatitis) (without Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR RNA detection Kit, Maize chlorotic mottle virus (with Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, RNA, Maize chlorotic mottle virus (with Mastermix)
Techne™ PrimePRO QPCR DNA detection Kit, Plasmodium falciparum (without Mastermix)
150RXN QPCR Kit, DNA, Plasmodium falciparum (without Mastermix)
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