Coagulation Controls

Thermo Scientific™ Xpect™ Flu A & B Test

Rapidly detect Influenza A and Influenza B viral antigens from human nasal wash, nasal swab and throat swab specimens, and get results in 15 minutes. X20 XPECT FLU A ET B

Thermo Scientific™ Wellcogen™ Haemophilus influenzae b Rapid Latex Agglutination Test

Rapidly detect antigens to Haemophilus influenzae present in human body fluids or blood cultures by latex agglutination. X30 WELLCOGEN HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE B

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ IMAGEN™ Influenza A & B

For the detection and identification of Influenza virus strains A and B in clinical specimens or cell cultures X50 IMAGEN INFLUENZA VIRUS A ET B COFFRET

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ IMAGEN™ Parainfluenza Group

Oxoid IMAGEN Parainfluenza Group detects and confirms parainfluenza virus antigens in nasopharyngeal aspirates and cell culture preparations. X50 IMAGEN PARAINFLUENZA VIRUS GROUPE COFFRET

Thermo Scientific™ Oxoid™ IMAGEN™ Parainfluenza Typing

Oxoid IMAGEN Parainfluenza Typing detects and differentiates Parainfluenza virus Types 1, 2 and 3 antigens. X50 IMAGEN PARAINFLUENZA VIRUS TYP 1,2,3 COFFR

Megro™ CONTOUR NEXT™ 2.5mL Control Solution

Designed to check the accuracy of glucose meters and test strips. 2.5ML CONTOUR NEXT control solution high for CONTOUR BZ device

Abnova™ BCG Albumin Assay Kit

BCG Albumin Assay Kit is a quantitative colorimetric albumin determination at 620 nm. 1SET BCG Albumin Assay Kit
