Analizzatori e strumenti
Advanced Instruments Osmometer Disposables
Disposables for use with Advanced osmometers
Invitrogen™ Sistema di imaging EVOS™ XL Core
Sistema di imaging invertito a luce trasmessa digitale per applicazioni con colture cellulari e tissutali e manutenzione di routine di cellule
Leica™ M80 Stereomicroscope
Use this ergonomically designed, modular microscope for a wide variety of applications. Leica™ M80 Stereomicroscopes easily replicate measurements, photography or inspections of samples such as circuit boards, hairs and fibers, and organ and plant tissues.
Greiner Bio-One™ Provetta in polipropilene One Leucosep
Developed for the optimal separation of lymphocytes and peripheral mononuclear cells from human whole blood and bone marrow. Greiner Bio One™ LeucoSep™ Polypropylene Tubes feature a transparent, porous, biologically inert HDPE barrier for an accurate and efficient analysis.
Carl Zeiss™ Stemi 508 Stereomicroscope with Stand K EDU and Spot Illuminator K LED
Designed for use with a variety of applications.
Invitrogen™ EVOS™ Microscope M5000 Imaging System
The Invitrogen™ EVOS™ M5000 Cell Imaging System brings simple, automated microscopy within reach. All-in-one design includes high resolution fluorescence imaging, unique color illumination, a full suite of fluorescent filters, and intuitive software.
Fisherbrand™ Idrometri per gravità specifica di precisione, lunghezza 340 mm
Requires 275mL liquid volume for submersion.
Invitrogen™ EVOS™ M7000 Microscope Imaging System
High-performance, fully automated, inverted, multi-channel fluorescence and transmitted light imaging system. Developed to meet today’s expectations for image quality, user interface interactions, data generation speed and flexibility, and end-user value with just a few clicks.
Fisherbrand™ ASTM™ Specific Gravity 260mL Hydrometers for Liquids Heavier than Water
Accuracy meets or exceeds ASTM E 100 specifications.
Fisherbrand™ Microscopio composto per ricerca Serie AX-500
Tre diversi obiettivi ottici e tre teste ottiche. I microscopi composti per ricerca Fisherbrand serie AX-500 con illuminazione a LED a “luce fredda” sono progettati per l'uso nelle università e nei laboratori di ricerca.
Fisherbrand™ ASTM™ Specific Gravity 275mL Hydrometers for Liquids Heavier than Water
Accuracy meets or exceeds ASTM E 100 specifications.
Invitrogen™ Sistema a fluorescenza digitale invertito EVOS™ FL Auto
Sistema a fluorescenza completamente automatizzato che offre il lusso dell'automazione con la forma e la funzionalità di EVOS
Fisherbrand™ Baume Hydrometers
Baume “heavy” scale for working with liquids heavier than water.
Fisherbrand™ Microscopi tascabili illuminati
A single mechanism generates a smooth and rock-solid focus
Fisherbrand™ ASTM™ Specific Gravity Hydrometers for Liquids Lighter than Water
Accuracy of hydrometer meets or exceeds ASTM™ E 100 specifications.
Invitrogen™ Microscopio a contrasto di fase e a campo chiaro digitale invertito EVOS™ XL
Integrazione completa in un'unica postazione di lavoro
Invitrogen™ EVOS™ Digital Color Fluorescence Microscope
All-in-one digital inverted microscope produces extraordinary on-screen images
Thermo Scientific™ Invitrogen™ EVOS™ FL Auto 2 Imaging System
Designed with advanced capabilities to simplify demanding cell-based imaging applications such as live-cell imaging, image tiling, and Z-stacking. Bring high performance right to your lab bench with the new Invitrogen™ EVOS™ FL Auto 2 Imaging System.
Fisherbrand™ Igrometro/termometro digitale Traceable™
Da appendere alla parete o con il supporto in plastica in dotazione; contenuto in una robusta custodia in ABS
Kimberly-Clark™ Melodie™ Fragrance Clear Refill
Kimberly-Clark™ Melodie™ Fragrance Clear Refill eliminates unwanted smells and improves user experience of any environment with floral, spicy notes.
H-B Instrument™ Idrometro per gravità specifica/densità relativa in plastica semplice Durac™
Il policarbonato infrangibile previene la contaminazione
H-B Instrument™ Idrometri combinati di precisione di sicurezza Durac™, API
Questi idrometri combinati, con pratico termometro incorporato, misurano la densità relativa (gravità specifica) di prodotti correlati all'olio e al petrolio in varie gamme, da -1 ° 101 ° API
Brannan™ Idrometri di densità in vetro soda modello BS 718
Shot loaded density hydrometers for surface tension 0.700 to 0.750g/mL
Brannan™ Specific Gravity Hydrometers
Shot loaded specific gravity hydrometers for surface tension 0.600 to 0.650g/mL
Brannan™ M50 Series Specific Gravity Hydrometers
Compares the relative density of a given liquid with that of water at 15.6°C (60°F). Brannan™ M50 Series Specific Gravity Hydrometers are manufactured from soda glass, steel shot ballast and synthetic wax resin.
Brannan™ Soda Glass S50 Series Specific Gravity Hydrometers
Shot loaded specific gravity hydrometers for surface tension 0.700 to 0.750g/mL
Brannan™ Idrometri di densità in vetro soda BS 718 modello M50
For reporting the measured specific gravity of a liquid relative to water. Brannan™ BS 718 M50 Density Hydrometers are manufactured from soda glass, steel shot ballast and synthetic wax resin.
Medline Scientific™ Magnum Trinocular Microscope
The trinocular version of the Magnum series with a choice of objectives types and LED illumination if preferred.
Alla France™ Idrometro di densità
Use these thermometers for a variety of applications. Alla France™ Density Hydrometers are fully marked with all the reference norms. Benchmark engraved on the stem to show any displacement of the scale.
Brannan™ BS 718 Model Soda Glass M50 SP Petroleum Density Hydrometers
Shot loaded petrolumn density hydrometers for surface tension 0.600 to 0.650g/mL