Western Blotting Reagents, Membranes, Supplies

Molecular Probes™ Qdot™ 605 Biotin Conjugate Kit

Qdot™ 605 Biotin Conjugate Kit 605 BIOTIN CONJUGATE KIT QDOT(R) INVITROGEN SKUQ10301MP 0kit

Merck™ Immobilon™-FL PVDF Transfer Membranes

Designed specifically for Western blots and protein sequencing. Immobilon™-FL PVDF Transfer Membranes are plain surfaced with 0.45μm pores and have lower background fluorescence than other membranes. Available in 10cm and 20cm squares and a 3.75m roll. 10ST Immobilon-FL 20x20cm sheet PVDF 0.45um

GE Healthcare Amersham™ Hyperfilm™ ECL

Use with all blue and green light chemiluminescent systems. GE Healthcare Amersham™ Hyperfilm™ ECL is constructed from a clear base coated on both sides with a photographic emulsion that is protected by an anti-scratch layer. X50 Autoradiography film GE Healthcare Amersham

Merck™ Immobilon™ Western Chemiluminescent HRP Substrate (ECL)

Provides high sensitivity over a broad detection range at an economical price X2 IMMOBILON WESTERN CHEMILUM HRP SUBSTRATE 50ml

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Femto Chemiluminescent Substrate

Ultra-sensitive enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) HRP substrate for low-femtogram-level detection by Western blot analysis. SUPERSIGNAL WEST FEMTO CHEMILUMINESCENT SUBSTRATETrial kit, SuperSignal 20mL Store in Fridge at 4C

Streptavidin Protein, Invitrogen™

Streptavidin Protein, 21125, from Invitrogen™, 21125, from Invitrogen™ Species Reactivity: ; Applications: ELISA, Western Blot. 5 MG STREPTAVIDIN, IMMUNOPURE 5MG STORE IN FRIDGEat 4C

Streptavidin Protein, Invitrogen™

Streptavidin Protein, 21122, from Invitrogen™, 21122, from Invitrogen™ Species Reactivity: ; Applications: ELISA, Western Blot. 1 MG IMMUNOPURE STREPTAVIDIN

Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBlot™ 2 Nitrocellulose Transfer Stacks

Used to transfer proteins with the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device 10 stacks, iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks,nitrocellulose, mini

Thermo Scientific™ Lab Vision™ UltraVision™ ONE Detection System: HRP Polymer (Ready-To-Use)

Take advantage of a one-step polymer system providing increased sensitivity, time savings and detection simplicity with the Thermo Scientific™ Lab Vision™ UltraVision™ ONE Detection System: HRP Polymer (Ready-To-Use). U-Vision ONE Lrge Vol Det Sys

Invitrogen™ Novex™ Bolt™ Vertical Mini Blot Module

Wet transfer device used exclusively with the Bolt Minigel Tank BOLT MINI BLOT MODULE

Thermo Scientific™ 1-Step™ TMB-Blotting Substrate Solution

Ready-to-use blue TMB peroxidase (HRP) substrate specially formulated for chromogenic detection in Western blot and IHC experiments. 1-STEP TMB-BLOTTING, 250 MLat 4C

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ CN/DAB Substrate Kit

Combines chloronaphthol- and diaminobenzidine-based HRP detection for Western blot and tissue staining methods. CN/DAB SUBSTRATE KIT

GE Healthcare Whatman™ Grade GB003 Blotting Paper

Ensures that no contamination will occur during the transfer steps. Whatman™ Grade GB003 Blotting Paper eliminates sheet to sheet variations with precisely cut membrane sizes. X100 BLOT PAPER GB003 15X20CM

Invitrogen™ iBlot™ 2 Gel Horizontal Transfer Device

Performs Western blotting transfer simply, efficiently, and reliably, within seven minutes and without the need for liquid buffers IBLOT 2 GEL TRANSFER DEVICE

Invitrogen™ Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP)

Treat unincorporated dNTPs in PCR reactions to prepare templates for DNA sequencing or SNP analysis. Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP) is useful in molecular biology applications such as the dephosphorylation of phosphorylated ends of DNA or RNA for subsequent use in cloning or end-labeling of probes. 1000UNIT Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP)

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Western Blot Roller

A simple, reusable tool for gently and easily removing trapped air bubbles when assembling transfer stacks in semi-dry or wet-tank transfer cassettes.


Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Pico PLUS Chemiluminescent Substrate

An enhanced chemiluminescent (ECL) horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrate that enables picogram- to high femtogram-level protein detection by western blot analysis 500ML SUPERSIGNAL WEST PICO PLUS

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ PVDF Membranes

Enable high protein and nucleic acid binding capacity with sheets and rolls of high-quality polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane. X10 Transfer membrane Pierce low-fluorescence

Invitrogen™ Invitrolon Novex Invitrolon PVDF/Filter Paper Sandwich

Pre-cut and pre-assembled and ready for protein blotting/transfer FILTER PAPER SANDWICH INVITROGEN(TM) INVITROLON(TM) pre-cut, pre-assembled high quality membrane

Invitrogen™ Molecular Probes™ CellROX Orange Reagent

Novel fluorogenic probe for measuring oxidative stress in live cells CELLROX ORANGE REAGENT, FOR OXIDATIVE STRESSdetection, 5 x 50 µl

Thermo Scientific™ Restore™ Plus Western Blot Stripping Buffer

Remove high-affinity antibodies from membranes so they can be reprobed and detected with chemiluminescent substrates. X2 RESTORE(TM) PLUS WESTERN BLOT STRIPPING BUFFER30mL

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Protein-Free Blocking Buffers

Block membranes, plates and other samples with these ready-to-use PBS and TBS formulations of a non-protein compound to yield extremely low background. 100mL Protein-Free (PBS) blocking buffer

Invitrogen™ Novex™ iBlot™ Nitrocellulose Transfer Stack

iBlot Transfer Stacks are used to transfer proteins IBlot transfer stacks mini (VE=10 Blots)

Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ West Dura Chemiluminescent Substrate

Luminol-based enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL) HRP substrate with very stable light output for femtogram-level detection with CCD-based imagers. 20 ML WEST DURA CHEMILUMINESCENT SUBSTRATE, TRIALkit, SuperSignal 20mL

Thermo Scientific™ Lab Vision™ UltraVision™ LP Detection System: HRP Polymer (Ready-To-Use)

Employ a senstive detection system based on biotin-free, polymer technology. 60ML U-Vision LP Lrge Vol Det Syst

Invitrogen™ Mini Gel Tank and Blot Module Set

Provides all of the necessary devices for protein separation and Western blotting using Novex™ gels, NuPAGE™ gels, and Bolt™ Bis-Tris Plus gels Mini Gel Tank and Blot Module Set

Thermo Scientific™ Blocker™ BLOTTO Blocking Buffer

Block membranes, plates and other samples with this ready-to-use 5% solution of nonfat powdered milk in TBS for Western blot, ELISA and other detection methods. BLOCKER BLOTTO IN TBS, 1 L, MA: 375304°C

GE Healthcare Amersham™ ECL™ Western Blotting Detection Reagents

Use for all routine Western blotting. GE Healthcare Life Sciences™ Amersham™ ECL™ Western Blotting Detection Reagents are the world’s first commercially available chemiluminescent detection reagents and still one of the most widely used. 1SET Amersham ECL Western Blotting Reagents for 4,000 cm2 membrane

GE Healthcare Amersham™ Protran™ NC Nitrocellulose Membranes: Rolls

Use this versatile nitrocellulose membrane for excellent binding affinity for small proteins and peptides, as well as nucleic acids. GE Healthcare Amersham™ Protran™ NC Nitrocellulose Membranes: Rolls offer excellent sensitivity, resolution, and low background. X1 Amersham Protran 0.1um Nitrocellulose 150mm x 4m roll

Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ Ethylene Glycol Solution

Specially purified 50% ethylene glycol solution to provide antifreeze protection and freezer storage stability for antibody-enzyme conjugates. 50% ETHYLENE GLYCOL, 200 ML
